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Subject: Grooves & Patterns Article

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Original Message 1/3             30-Jan-03  @  03:21 AM   -   Grooves & Patterns Article


Posts: 11

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getting a lil dusty in here so I thought I'd throw one out there!

I was looking over the grooves & patterns article written by k and he mentions working in double time as in, twice the tempo of your track. Why would you want to do that? That is one sick article by the way... but for me it raises a lot of questions... What did others think of the article?

One thing I'm trying to wrap my head around is the difference between:
a) working in 2 different time signatures (one with 3 time feel and the other with 4) and having them 'play together' synchronizing at beats 12 or 15, or....

b) working in 1 time signature but writing sections of your rhythms in triplets and others in 4 time so the beats 'add up' to 12 or 16.

Working with my MPC I can't easily switch time signatures back and forth since doing so chops off the end of the bar if the change is from one longer to one shorter! So far my workaround is to run 2 sequences simultaneously, (one 3 time, one 4). My attempts to merge these 2 sequences have been unsuccessful. What happens is the imported midi gets 'requantized' to the current time signature losing its origianl feel.


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Message 2/3             31-Jan-03  @  07:19 AM   -   RE: Grooves & Patterns Article



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Try sampling a drum loop in a different time signature... FUNKY ASSED beats when you line 'em, up!

I write most of my tracks up in the 130's or higher... my beats would be WAY too fast if I double timed... but, I often write breaks at half tempo and then step 'em up! When there's more room between the beats I find more room for creative percussive elements... never can make things fit when I'm writing fast!


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Message 3/3             13-Feb-03  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: Grooves & Patterns Article


Posts: 3872

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I read the article quite a while back. If I remember correctly, K was talking about doubling the time signature to work in only so that you have a tighter grid to work with but in the end playing back the track at single speed. Sorry if I'm not remembering correctly. I just put up a track where I took the word spaghetti as spoken by my computer, broke up the syllables, and laid them down 4 against 3 against 5. I made a 7 too but decided not to go with it. Stupid I was in that I did all the calculations on how to line them up in the beat with 1/4 note=960ms. After I was done it dawned on me that Sonar would've done it for me in groove clip mode. Arrrgh!

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