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Subject: Progressive percussion...

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Original Message 1/6             17-Aug-02  @  04:00 PM   -   Progressive percussion...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Anyone know about producing progressive house percussion? I can get a good sound out of most of my drums (Snares, Hihats, Kicks etc.), but it is just the electro-sounding percussion that eludes me. The best examples that I can think of off the top of my head would be "Watching you" by Saeed and Palash or "Let you know" by Luke Fair. They manage to get a very thick, mechanical, synth-esque sound out of their percussion. It sounds like they are layering and filtering lots of bongos, toms and compressed kicks. I do have good percussion samples and I also use the Korg EM1 electribe for my percussion sounds. I have tried filtering, eq'ing, compressing and layering different types of percussion, but can't get it quite right.



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Message 2/6             19-Aug-02  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: Progressive percussion...


Posts: 1128

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NOt sure of those exact tunes but maybe its filtered loops your hearing.

YOu know this already but removing 510 herts from percussions loops and then processing it with plug-ins could be what your hearing?

Maybe. Anyway, prog's dead! ;-)

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Message 3/6             19-Aug-02  @  05:02 PM     Edit: 20-Aug-02  |  02:24 PM   -   RE: Progressive percussion...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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BEATS 1 0 0 0  |  2 0 0 0  |  3 0 0 0  |  4 0 0 0
Beat 1 0 0 0  |  1 0 0 0  |  1 0 0 0  |  1 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 1 1  |  1 0 0 0  |  0 0 0 0  |  0 0 0 0
Filtered 0 0 0 0  |  0 0 1 0  |  0 0 0 0  |  0 0 0 0

I am able to create the filtered breakbeats/percussion loops that are layered around the drums in progressive house, but the sounds that I am after are like single drum hits that are played in very simple patterns, and sound like very punchy, almost synthesised percussive hits. Breeders Carnival XIII is based around something similar (that loud reverberated percussive hit that carries through the track). While that Breeder sound is similar, it is a bit more over the top than what I am getting at. Listen to the Audio file that I have added, it should give you an idea of what I am going on about. The sound in the sample follows the pattern "Unknown" shown in the Groove thing that I have added. This is the kind of percussion that I am after, allthough it does differ from track to track, and I am just wondering about the best techniques to get these sounds. Any general pointers to offer?

Drop, did you mean remove the 510hz frequency range from my percussion?



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Message 4/6             20-Aug-02  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: Progressive percussion...


Posts: 1128

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I can't listen to stuff at work. I'll go to the internet cafe at lunch and listen.

I s'pose I was taking about removing 510 hertz in relation to the loops I am using at the moment. They come off a particular CD that tends to have kicks and even some bass hits included in the loops.

Once I start layering loop stuff, it seem to take up alot of headroom so I tend to cut anything from 510 downwards. This then makes room for the frequencies that my snares and bongos and congas take up.

But it depends on the samples I s'pose. I mean a sample CD like "NO Kicks 2" already has the low stuff removed so I found that just removing 150 hertz from those loops was cool. Anything higher and my drums started to sound thin cos nothing was living in the low mid range.

I'll get back to you this afternoon.

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Message 5/6             20-Aug-02  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Progressive percussion...


Posts: 6231

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sort of like a plank in a construction yard sound.. :p

sounds like a sample to me, a kick (or 909 snare detuned) with the beginning cut off. you could make a sound like that with my kick synth, using a very very very quick pitch envelope.. could be a hamster cough

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Message 6/6             26-Aug-02  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: Progressive percussion...


Posts: 90

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The two hits in the first beat, sounds like old hardcore kinda hit pitched up, but its a very common percussion. The first hit is shorter than the second obviously. Seems to be some short reverb (and maybe delay) behind these hits that aint in the other sounds, with the original sounds panned right and the reverb in centre or centre/left (or visa versa).

The second sounds is harder to pick. maybe it contains pitched down layers of the first hit, but oscillated by filter mebe another oscillator on pitch. This sound could actually be two hits 16th apart, but all oscillated and pitched together. Theres doesn't seem to be reverb behind this one.

The thing is Artists keep their percussion noises as big secrets. Also that loop has been compressed, which makes it bloady difficult to deconstruct wot is going on.

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