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Subject: Matching The Key of Drums

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Original Message 1/8             17-Apr-03  @  08:28 AM   -   Matching The Key of Drums



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Its so annoying. My mate has got reason and his samples sound good. They sound up-to-date and obviously there is no key clashed cos they're all from the reason program.

I grab my drum samples from different sources and am finding that they sound that way to!!!

How do you guys make all your drums sound cohesive and sound like they come from the same place? Will Acid do it?

Also, can I buy JUST the reason drum sounds from anywhere?


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Message 2/8             17-Apr-03  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums



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the only reason drums would sound 'uncohesive' etc is because the samples have different types of room reverb on them - otherwise eq, compression and mixing is all that is required to achieve 'cohesion'

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Message 3/8             17-Apr-03  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums



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Hi K. NOt sure I agree with that. I find that I have to pitch up my drum samples by 2 semitones to make them short and snappy. My problem is hats though. When I pitch up my op hats (cut from house loop Sample CD's) by 2 semitones they sound rubbish. If I pitch em back to their original pitch then they sound too heavy (don't sure how else to describe it) compared to my "snappy" snares, bongos, congos, shkrs, bells, etc. I'm a bit stuck cos if I leave all my drums at their original pitch then my drum tracks sound too weighty and slow.

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Message 4/8             17-Apr-03  @  06:31 PM     Edit: 17-Apr-03  |  06:33 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Aha! I see what you mean. What you need is a sampler for your drums that has a multi-mode filter. And preferably one that has modulation/routing options. This will allow you to get snappy, chunky, soft, hard, thick, etc, etc tones from your drums without having to mess about with pitch. You'd be surprised, how much producers use Hi, Lo and Bandpass filters on shakers, snares, hats, percussion, etc.



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Message 5/8             17-Apr-03  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums



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definately screw with the envelopes if you're having reverb probs. eq's and filters work well too. but don't be afraid to pitch either. process those drums a bit.

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Message 6/8             19-Apr-03  @  01:39 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums



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aha - I see - yup... tuning hats especialy often results in a rubbish sounding sample, or perhaps 'un-natural' is a better description! - try some of the stuff Steve recommends.

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Message 7/8             08-May-03  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums



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Here's a simple trick if you're chopping up different breaks to get individual drum hits:

-before chopping the breaks, treat them in soundforge with eq, exciter, compression, stereo enhancer etc... so they sound like they could come from the same mix. (and use a beat you know is well mixed as reference)

Then when you're creating beats with a snare from one loop, a bass drum from another etc... they all magically 'work' together...
It sounds obvious, but it's a lot easier then trying to treat the cut up hits after the fact.

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Message 8/8             24-May-04  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: Matching The Key of Drums


Posts: 90

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these are quality points. That EQ thing is a good point.

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