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Subject: Scales database

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Original Message 1/10             17-Apr-00  @  08:14 AM   -   Scales database


Posts: 23

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Anyone know of an internet source (or a book if absolutely necessary) of scales?

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Message 2/10             17-Apr-00  @  09:07 AM   -   RE: Scales database



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K, what were those Associated Board 1's called? Pink, grades 1-5; blue grades 6-8....didnt u say u had'em somewhere?

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Message 3/10             17-Apr-00  @  12:50 PM   -   RE: Scales database



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huh?.. ..i used to have this little red pocket book RCM grades 1-8.. lost it somewhere..... well, if the sacles were added in here it'd be a database, but then we'd need a key-sig feild display, and some looney to fill them in... a labour of love methinks

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Message 4/10             17-Apr-00  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: Scales database



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mind U, once you have the basic set of scales, with their space-relatiuonships, you could easily convert 'em to any key... so i guess we just need them for the various scales.... but then that precludes the ones which use no diatonic spacing.. get a K2000 they has loads of alt' preset interval scales, plus you can construct your own and save em too

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Message 5/10             17-Apr-00  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: Scales database

kid dik


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damn, I want that k2000.

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Message 6/10             18-Apr-00  @  02:08 AM   -   RE: Scales database



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.... it's going to get complicated, if you want to include scales based on other tuning systems than just equal tempered... once i d/l:d kind of database of those, there were like couple of thousand of them...

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Message 7/10             20-Apr-00  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: Scales database



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I found a book at Rose Morris called The gig book of scales & chords). Got 200-300 scales and some related chords. Ideal for cooking with.

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Message 8/10             04-May-00  @  01:23 PM   -   RE: Scales database



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There is also a lot of information about modes and
scales online. Just checking my search engine quickly I
found two that look good.

has some nice information and explainations and

has some neat 'music calculators'. I used it generate
tons of scales for all my favourite keys, for future
reference. The 'Scale Cruncher' for instance, doesn't
look good, but it gives info like this (for the key of

C Major

C >Ionian >C-D-E-F-G-A-B
D >Dorian >D-E-F-G-A-B-C
E >Phrygian >E-F-G-A-B-C-D
F >Lydian >F-G-A-B-C-D-E
G >Mixolydian >G-A-B-C-D-E-F
A >Aolian >A-B-C-D-E-F-G
B >Locrian >B-C-D-E-F-G-A

C Other Scales

C >Major Pentatonic >C-D-E-G-Bb
C >Minor Pentatonic >C-Eb-F-G-Bb
C >Whole Tone >C-D-E-Gb-Ab-Bb
C >Whole step, half step >C-D-Eb-F-Gb-Ab-A-B
C >Half step, whole step >C-Db-Eb-E-Gb-G-A-Bb
C >Augmented Dim. >C-Db-D-E-F-Gb-Ab-A-Bb-
C >The C Blues Scale >C-Eb-F-

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Message 9/10             05-May-00  @  08:22 AM   -   RE: Scales database



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Many thanks mate

Again. I must say how impressed I am with the attitude of people on Dancetech. Really very helpful

Perhaps it is because it is a UK run site...;-)

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Message 10/10             24-May-00  @  03:40 AM   -   RE: Scales database



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The harmonic calculator rocks. A very cool tool. Thanks for pointing it out.


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