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Subject: Help in F minor

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Original Message 1/4             11-Mar-03  @  09:41 AM   -   Help in F minor



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Hello, me again. (cough).

I want to write one of my tracks in F minor (aeolian). Just love that key. But I need to know the chord scales.

I know that the chords used if I were to write a track in the key of c major would be. eg i - C major(C,E,G) ii - D minor, etc.

I can't find the chord scales to use in the key of F minor. Can anyone be bothered to write them out for me?

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Message 2/4             11-Mar-03  @  06:21 PM     Edit: 11-Mar-03  |  06:22 PM   -   RE: Help in F minor


Posts: 4573

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come on, d, I showed you how to find that stuff out all by yourself in the last thread! ;)

just go up the f scale, and build chords on each starting note using every third note in the scale (triadic chords), making sure if you come across a B, just make it flat (the f scale is one flat... B). yer set.

Check out this link that i also posted in the augmented/diminished thread.


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Message 3/4             01-Jun-06  @  09:20 PM   -   RE: Help in F minor


Posts: 2

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Everything psylichon said was right, but he/she was talking about F major, not F minor.
In F minor, not only the Bs would be flat, but the As and Es too.

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Message 4/4             23-Jan-07  @  03:02 AM   -   RE: Help in F minor


Posts: 261

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C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C
          x   x x   x   x x   x                                          

F aeolian eh, like Summertime and the Doctor Who theme? Known to the layman as F 'natural'
minor. Well F natural minor (or aeolian) would look like the scale above. In relation to a major
scale, the aeolian, or 'Natural Minor' scales have a 'flatted' 3rd, 6th and 7th, which is not to be
confused with the 'Harmonic Minor' scales which have only the 3rd and 6th notes lowered, or
with the 'Melodic Minor' which has a lowered 3rd ascending, and a lowered 3rd, 6th and 7th

Are you sure it's an aeolian scale, and not a 'Melodic Minor'? You need to listen closely to tell. If
the 6th and 7th scale degrees are changing depending on where in the melody or chord
progression you are, then you are not in old-school church-mode F aeolian (or 'Natural Minor'),
but new-school Beethoven style 'Melodic Minor'. Word up, this next 808 pattern goes out for
Luddie Van B yo.


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