aaa Controlling VF-1 parameters via MIDI notes - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: Controlling VF-1 parameters via MIDI notes

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/1             27-Oct-00  @  07:59 AM   -   Controlling VF-1 parameters via MIDI notes



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I am trying to send a looping note sequence from my Triton's sequencer into my VF-1 to modulate flanger depth. So far, it isn't working.

If I read the VF manual correctly, it said that the VF does not respond to note-on messages, only to continuous controllers.

So I created a patch on my Trinity at 100% filter keyboard tracking. The Triton manual said that the CC# that the Triton would send in conjunction with the filter cutoff is 74. So I set the VF's mod destination to flanger depth, and I set the source to MIDI-74.

Theoretically when I play the keys, the filter will open exactly in tune with the keyboard, and the opening filter will send out CC#74 and the VF should receive it and change the depth level corresponding to the key I play... right?

It still didn't work though.

Any ideas anybody?

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