aaa sub woofer & JBL control 1s. - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.

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Original Message 1/14             04-Jun-01  @  12:58 PM   -   sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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i have been lucky enuff to inherit a big old subwoofer to compliment my (rather bass-lite) JBL control 1s. thing is, without stating the obvious, it's really fucking loud. the reason i wanted it was cos when i check my mixes away from my studio, i often have probs with the low end - the kick sounds massive, the b-line is threatening the speakers etc. i have put this down to the lack of serious low end on the JBLs and, to a certain extent have started to account for it when mixing... but anyway, i figured that a sub would give me a better idea of whats going on down there - but like i say, s'really loud, and i was wondering, how you would decide what would be a suitable volume for the sub relative to the volume of the JBLs...? cos like, i could probably drown the JBLs out with the woofer if i wished, but this would rather defeat the object... er, odd question really, cos i can't really see how you'd answer without coming round to my yard, listening and adjusting the volume of the sub... but if anyone has any ideas on the subject, i'd be very grateful....

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Message 2/14             04-Jun-01  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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where is this subwoofer located..


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/14             04-Jun-01  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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it's underneath my tables, at floor level, and when i'm sitting in my "sweet spot", its about 6 inches from my knees... what d'yer reckon?

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Message 4/14             04-Jun-01  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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if the subwoofer is sitting underneath the table and near the wall (and the floor, of course), then you´re probably experiencing a massive bass boost from these three surfaces, try moving it out in the open so it doesnt sit in a cavern.

if its a proper subwoofer with a frequency response up to 100Hz or so (but not much above that), then it doesnt matter exactly where it sits because those frequencies spread out spherically, and are also hard to directionally trace. (meaning you cant relly tell where they are coming from anyway, so the sub doesnt really have to sit next to you  

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Message 5/14             05-Jun-01  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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ok cool, thanx for replying... say i move the sub out into the open to minimise the bass boost, how would i then adjust the volume to "match" the volume of my jbls? cos the ting is, the sub is potentially much louder than the jbl and i can't work out what an "accurate" level would be... is it simply a matter of personal taste?

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Message 6/14             05-Jun-01  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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there's no L-Pad on the sub or anything? without know a whole lot more it'd be hard to say for sure. it sounds like maybe this sub was part of a sub/satellite system and the satellites were a BUNCH more efficient than your gerbils. but there should be some way to either turn one thing up or the other down. as far as what's appropriate, maybe you could rent a Real Time Analizer (RTA) for a day and that could get you in the ballpark. also, how big's the room you've got this in? because too much low end in too small of a room can be disasterous.

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Message 7/14             05-Jun-01  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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unless it's the matching JBL sub i dunno if it's a good idea to use it infact anyways...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/14             05-Jun-01  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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ya know, the more I think about it, the more I agree with k here. those Control 1's are little more than computer speakers. -10 db down to 70 hz. eek. adding something that's just booming out low end with 'em isn't going to give you much accuracy, either. if you're serious about getting good mixes, a decent set of monitors should be rather high on your shopping list.

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Message 9/14             05-Jun-01  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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Actually, they used to have a pair of of Control 1´s and a JBL sub here, at SAE vienna´s studio B.
But they also measured the frequency response of the room and everything else, so they were well matched. Then they replaced them with Mackie´s one day (my babies, as i´m sure everyone has noticed by now  

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Message 10/14             06-Jun-01  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: sub woofer & JBL control 1s.


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the thing I dont understand...if youre mixing on small speakers, and youre putting so much bass that it really shows on other systems IE distorts and all that...then...wouldnt it distort your monitors, too? I mean, if theres that much there then youre going to HAVE TO hear it somewhere, no?

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