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Subject: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?

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Original Message 1/15             25-Feb-98  @  01:15 PM   -   Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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I dunno..maybe its something I'm doing wrong....but I think me aul Gina could be a little quieter....any suggestions anyone?


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Message 2/15             26-Feb-98  @  01:53 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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If you haven't been to this site yet, they did do a performance benchmark test on the event gina along with some other cards. Noise is one of the criteria.


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Message 3/15             26-Feb-98  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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strange, cos sos did a test with wavelab, and got zilcho noise from Gina.....

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Message 4/15             28-Feb-98  @  09:39 AM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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Yeah...have a feeling its equipment set-up..lead locations and and that blah.....will have to troubleshoot....its not a major problem..the noise level is minimal but seemed only to appear recently.....hmmmm

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Message 5/15             22-Mar-98  @  11:24 PM   -   Allocate outputs??



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I want to buy a Gina card, but I need to assign the outputs to different programs. I would like to run Rebirth, Generator, and Sound Forge etc simultaneously using the analogue outputs (1/2,3/4,5/6,7/8). Is this possible???

I was in the music store today testing the card on their setup, but I got errors such as 'Other application using device' etc when trying the above procedures.

What other card could help me accomplish this with the other specs Gina has??


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Message 6/15             23-Mar-98  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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so far, it cant do that....but I've actuallyseen the terratec do it..... it does have such drivers, and is one of the only cards that does...... windows see's it's in's and out's and can allocate them to more thasn one programme.... I saw the terratec output audio simultaneously from VST, Rebirth, and an audio file player...... smart !

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Message 7/15             26-Mar-98  @  09:57 AM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?


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Prob'ly figured out by now, but make sure you've got Easy Trim activated, which made a 12 dB difference on my system.
The Terratec is getting a Cubase asio driver soon, supposedly.

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Message 8/15             04-Apr-98  @  09:12 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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i m building up a studio and i was wondering if the gina card works well with cubase

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Message 9/15             06-Apr-98  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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yes it does..... with VSt that is....... dunno about XT or whatever... but I'd assume it goes well with any of the multi-card capable cubse versions

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Message 10/15             24-Apr-98  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?


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Hi my name is Jennifer! What is your name?

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Message 11/15             24-Apr-98  @  10:58 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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Hi I'm Brad...where you?

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Message 12/15             25-Apr-98  @  05:38 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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yeah.... the gina works with do alot of cards....but al the articles seem to be about is the audio quality, and seperate out assigning etc.... what more concerns me is that the midi side of things is being totally overlooked as everyone concentrates on the shock of getting 8 separate outs to work on a pc midi & h/d s/w.... BUT..... I'm working with a few people at the moment.... and VST has timing probs on the PC as far as i can tell...... I'm gonna do anothe r bit of testing, but it's looking not too good..... all the people i'm working with are getting alot of crashing... and there seems to abe a total randomness to the s/w's ability to see the card... it keeps loosing the connection regardless of card or OS or PC specs.... it'lll chug along then suddenly you minimise the window or anything, and it looses the card.... timing and that together is abit of a piss-off, cos basically you wanna get some wrok done..... so..... it may be that asCakewalk works fine on any of these without a murmer of problems..... i can only assume vst for the pc is too highly strung, and unless the situation changes, i would have to say to run vst as a WORK tool...(not a few hours tinkering and accepting continual bad timing, and card loosing etc.....)'ll have to get a Mac..... I am not saying that is the final word.... but be warned.... the chance of you going out and buying a P2 or whatever + Gina and VST and gettinga rock solid system are pretty slim as I see it....

I noticed that in the magazines, i've yet to see anyone really review the vst & gina.....I've never seen a review which said... "I've worked for 5 days with the gina & Vst now.... midi timing is spot on... it has worked without a glitch and I'm getting lots of audio tracks....and nop crashes...."

could it be that simply there is too much advertising money tied up in these products .... and mag's are simply going along with the old.... someone somewhere has it working, therefore It's just a glitch here when I review it, and i dont wanna say i cant get it to work 100% reliably......????,,.... what a cynic I am... but as a fact i can tell you there have been large financial settlements made about bad gear reviews in the past by magazines who have had to pay equiptment companies, and the cards and s/w adverst are prolific right now... there are no drivers for Event for mac so far as i know, so mums the word i guess.........

I'kl keep youu posted... but I ma trying to get all these sytstems to work for friends.... and i cant so far... every one has problems.... the least problematic one is an AMD with an older asus motherbaord and a SB16.....with 64mb edo..... that one doest crash,...... and timing is ok for rock or whatever... maybe not tight enuff for dance midi ....

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Message 13/15             26-Apr-98  @  04:55 AM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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Hey Kilo.... I've been thinking about investing in a Gina for a long time now, and I'm just now getting to the financial point where I can start really thinking about building up my studio..... And I'm all gung ho.... BUT.... I noticed that SAW+ has a window that sets up multiple wave out devices... Have you playred around wityh SAW+ and the Gina??? Will I be able to make HD Audio tracks go to different outs on SAW+... (I don't want to Abandon SAW because I love that prog...) So tell me Kilo!!

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Message 14/15             06-Jun-98  @  12:41 PM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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I read your review and have comments.
First off, i had the Gina but returned it because i found out there is no
NT and Direct X drivers for it. I called Event and the Tech there said
they should becoming out with drivers in a few months.. So.. whats the
point of paying the big bux now when I know the price will drop in a few
months with the competition and all. Anyway..I asked him what the
motorola DSP actually does and he told me "not much at this point"
.."it basically controls the PCI bus, sample rate conversion, and routes
all the signals." I'm dissappointed that they point out a product that
doesn't have full software support. Especially when the price of
technology drops so constantly with the passing of time. Aside from's a great unit, i just don't think it's worth the $368 that I
originally bought it for. I think$200 would be fair for what it can do
right now. Anyway...I'd like to get feedback from you because you
seemed knowledgable in your review about using Gina with Cubase.



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Message 15/15             13-Jun-98  @  10:07 AM   -   RE: Event Gina....hmmm...noisy?



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I am finding that the Gina is picking up noise any time the hard disk is accessed when the 'puder is doing regular tasks!! Also, I find there are timing problems with cakewalk 6 and the Gina!!


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