aaa Cheap full duplex 48khz DA with sample output - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Cheap full duplex 48khz DA with sample output

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Original Message 1/2             04-Mar-98  @  01:34 PM   -   Cheap full duplex 48khz DA with sample output



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I've just bought a Pci soundcard for £100 that does full duplex 48khz. It is installed with an awe 64g so now i get full sample/midi & full duplex D.A. in Cubase Vst. for about £210. The quality is pretty good and record playback is at least as clean as most synths. Am I missing something? what else would i get with a £400 audio card plus outboard sampler? (except better filters) please reply to my email address.

P.s. anyone want pc advice contact me.

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Message 2/2             10-Mar-98  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: Cheap full duplex 48khz DA with sample output



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Hey wuts up, what's the name of the card you bought, and where can I get one? Also, how do you like you AWE 64 cuz i'm thinking about getting one. Peace

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