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Subject: Effective Data Storage for Yam. DSP

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Original Message 1/3             18-Nov-98  @  05:31 AM   -   Effective Data Storage for Yam. DSP



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I am in the middle of starting my own home HD recording studio. I have no idea what the best methods for storage are in my case. I am building wav. files in ReBirth and playing them playing them through an A3K. No, I haven't had enough time to integrate Cubase with ribirth, so that is why I am doing it that way. Currently, I am thinking about putting a SCSI port on the back of my computer, running it to the A3K, then to a 2 gig Jaz drive. That way, I have achieved both storage for A3K samples, and data written through Cubase on my Yamaha DSP.
Does any of this sound like a good idea ? Will it work like I am imagining ? ...or is all this a crock of shite ? I would love any ideas on how to do this at the least cost !

Thanks dude !

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Message 2/3             18-Nov-98  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: Effective Data Storage for Yam. DSP

milky man


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It will work just fine.
you could even use a zip drive..but if you`re doing much live recording it would probably be limiting.
Another thing is you would like have one song on one disc. instead of 2 songs and 30 fragments on a jaz
nah...go for the jaz..

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Message 3/3             18-Nov-98  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: Effective Data Storage for Yam. DSP



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Thanks dude,
I really wasn't sure about how to approach that. I figured that I might be able to get a zip, but wasn't sure about it either. What kind of storage space can I get out of a 2Gig Jaz ? When it comes down to it, will I be saving money in the long run by going with a 2 gig, in opposition to simply a gig ? Any other ideas about how to configure this setup ? Drop me a line dude !


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