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Subject: Channel Inserts

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Original Message 1/6             10-May-00  @  09:50 AM   -   Channel Inserts

Defector Z


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Hey - I just got a Mackie CFX20 (replacing my 1202vlz) and I have a question about the channel inserts. I am having trouble wrapping my head around them. What I understand is this...

I plug an fx unit into the insert and the tip and ring act as send and receive. I understand that. But what do I need on the other piece of gear to get it to work right? I have a presonus Blue Max compressor that has a chain input that I would like to use occasionally as an insert.

I need a stereo 1/4" input into the insert, and a stereo 1/4" into the fx unit, right? Does the chain input make this work? Or do I need a splitter that I plug into the insert and then into the tip goes to input and the ring goes to output of the unit? Is that how it works?

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Message 2/6             10-May-00  @  10:17 AM   -   RE: Channel Inserts


Posts: 424

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you need a couple of Y splitter leads.. either make em or buy em (buy em   )

they'll have a stereo 1/4 jack plug connected to two mono 1/4 jacks (probably black and red) which are the send and return leads that go into one channel of your processor (left for example) so plug the red one into the LEFT IN on your compressor and plug the black one into the LEFT OUT. plug the stereo jack into the LEFT insert.. got it? repeat for other channel.

I've got my compressor and aphex 104 exciter chained in this way also.

you main volume will be affecting the signal AFTER it leaves the compressor.. so don't let that confuse you.

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Message 3/6             10-May-00  @  11:33 AM   -   RE: Channel Inserts

Defector Z


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Thanks Jasper. Makes alot more sense now. I already have a couple of those Y adapters, but I think that I am going to need a lot more. :-( Problem with the Radio Shack ones are that they are a noisy lot. I guess if I am going to spend X thousands of dollars on a studio, I should spend the extra $3 a piece to get decent Y adapters.

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Message 4/6             11-May-00  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: Channel Inserts


Posts: 424

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you can chain outboard stuff from the main inserts though.

like I've got the send into the compressor then out of that into the aphex104 and then out of that back to the mixer.. worx a treat..

but you've probably got line insert points.. humph, I'm jealous.

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Message 5/6             11-May-00  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: Channel Inserts



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Defector - I use(d) a snake for this purpose... It's got 4 tip-ring-sleeves on one end and 8 1/4" monos on the other... Your monos go to your FX. If you've got a stereo compressor (not familiar with the BlueMax), then you'll want 2 tip-ring-sleeves in two different inserts going to each channel of your comp... Anyway, check out the snakes... I got mine on E-bay for like $10


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Message 6/6             11-May-00  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: Channel Inserts

Defector Z


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Yeah - I just got the Mackie CFX20 - very cool. New to the subgroups thing so I am trying to wrap my head around that.

I discovered a stereo y adapter that I have plugged in to the Blue Max (it's stereo) and into the line insert. Works good far as I can see... Thansk. I also have a stereo master insert that I am sure to use if I head out live.

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