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Subject: live sound question

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Original Message 1/7             06-Jan-01  @  09:14 PM   -   live sound question


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Was at a party the other week- very adequate sound system for the room. Can't give you any specs except that the PA speakers were about 5' tall, and filled the room nicely.

Then the DJ put on a track that was SLAMMIN! After a few minutes, it breaks down, then comes back in with GIANT sub-bassdrops on every other bar. They are so big&heavy that the usually loud&crisp snare went soft&mud. Now I know from personal exp. that's what happens when you mix too bass-heavy; the bass just takes up too much 'space' in the mix and everything else suffers.

But I'm thinking, shit, it's a professionally mixed recording, and it's being played over what sounds like a great sound system. So what's the deal?!

It's not like anybody but us producer types noticed anyway...but we want to know- was it the record or the system or both?


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Message 2/7             07-Jan-01  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: live sound question


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dude...Im tellin ya..I hear tons of "pro" records that are recorded like SHIT. just cuz it gets released on vinyl doesnt mean its a good recording.

to answer your ? would require me to have been there. DJ might have cranked the bass knowing that bass part was comin in...

how did it sound after? maybe highs got blown?

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Message 3/7             07-Jan-01  @  07:32 AM   -   RE: live sound question


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After the bass drops? Actually, after that he mixed to next record...but b4 bassdrops the snare was pretty high in the mix.

Yeah, I see your point tho, about "pro" mixes maybe not always being really-pro.

Anyway, I'm going to start trainspotting the PA systems I see out, I'm just interested in it b/c I don't know jack about it and I'll hopefully being playing out this year...we have 2 PAs here in the house and I just don't appreciate how they slaughter good recordings. Well, mostly the way they make everything mono...gotta stop thinking like a producer and start thinking like a person who wants to hear LOUD music with HUGE bass.

Wait a sec, I am that person!


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Message 4/7             07-Jan-01  @  10:18 AM   -   RE: live sound question



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it's normal for the mid to dissapear if the bass is booming - man i love that sound so much it is awesome...

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Message 5/7             07-Jan-01  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: live sound question



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by the way, you can yes mix like that to reproduce that sound on a cd - heh heh

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Message 6/7             08-Jan-01  @  06:44 AM   -   RE: live sound question


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Hmmm...normal for the mids to dissapear=on purpose so it doesn't get muddy or normal=that just happens. Which one?

Either way yeah the bass sounded *great* but the whole section would've been better if the snares hadn't have dropped down so much!


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Message 7/7             08-Jan-01  @  07:42 AM   -   RE: live sound question



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It could be that the amplifiers didn't have enough power to handle that huge bass...

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