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Subject: Chord progressions...

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Original Message 1/17             20-May-02  @  12:32 AM   -   Chord progressions...



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I was wondering if there was an easy way to know what chords go with one key.

You know- if I were to make a song in the key of C major, is there way to write out all the chords in the key of C and it's relative minor? I was told something about the circle of fifths but it didn't really help me all that much. Thanks 

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Message 2/17             20-May-02  @  04:40 AM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C
x   x   x x   x   x   x x   x   x x   x   x   x x   x   x x   x   x   x x

do you know the scale in that key? (psst, C's all the white keys). take the first note in the scale. put your finger on it. skip a note, put your finger on the next one. skip a note, put your finger on the next one. there, that's the I chord. Do the same thing with the second note, the first one you skipped making that first chord. Oh, boy, the ii chord. Etc. If you're starting with a run-of-the-mill major scale, the I, IV and V chords will be major (C, F, G), those are the ones you use to play most rock and blues and country and folk and.... ii, iii and vi will be minor (Dm, Em, Am). The vii will be diminished (Bdim). There's all sorts of lingo to toss around like submediant, leading tone and dominant, but I'll resist that temptation.

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Message 3/17             20-May-02  @  04:41 AM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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Now there's a can of worms! I would recommend a book called The Guitar Handbook. I realise that this forum is primarily geared toward electronic dance music, but I assure you that the sections in this book on chord voicings and theory are some of the best explanations, and in the easiest terms one can find, short of expensive high-quality private lessons. Good luck.


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Message 4/17             20-May-02  @  02:44 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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hey you're playing my scale!

they're closer than the black ones, don't have to reach as far.

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Message 5/17             26-May-02  @  05:35 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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would be nice to be able to use the black keys sometimes too :-)

I gotta learn music theory

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Message 6/17             07-Jun-02  @  05:11 AM   -   RE: Chord progressions...



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Harmony, Harmony, Harmony! Know your KEY SIGNATURES!!!!! Major and minor, sharps and flats.
Learn your harmony.
For a major key use I ii iii IV V vi viio
Tonic, Supertonic, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant Submediant, Leading tone and then back to the Tonic
Thats not important though. For a minor key
i iio III iv v VI VII.
I=major, i=minor, I+ = augmented, io = diminished
Of course the above minor harmony only applies to the natural minor, not the melodic or harmonic.
Learn all of your intervals too. It will make things much easier. I didn't cover chord types, but remember, the V will usually be a dominant seventh, while the rest are either maj 7th or min7th. Of course in blues, any major chord can be a Dominant seventh, instead of a major seventh. Confusing? Yes! Of Course! Good ! Fresh! Hope it helps.

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Message 7/17             07-Jun-02  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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okay, i really don't like this stuff.. it's whatchacallit.. non-authoritative ('i' word) way of interpreting energy

but here's another i word thingy (aah, just woke up) that might be fun for you.. one of my preferred interpretations. you can tell it's by an american, prolly one that grew up in the west..

do: father - head of the house.

re: leaning daughter - goes to dad for extra spending money.

mi: sweet sister - keeps sunshine in the household.

fa: younger brother - definately a masculine character.

so: big brother - "rules the roost" and generally gets the car when he wants it.

la: romantic sister - knows all the boys in the neighborhood.

ti: baby - loves to crawl into mother's lap.

do: mother - sits at the opposite end of the table.

the author continues..

do: tonic - a rest tone; all tones gravitate to or revolve around it.

re: supertonic - an active tone which pulls down to do, but saometimes up to mi.

mi: mediant - a rest tone.

fa: subdominant - a very active tone; pulls strongly to mi.

so: dominant - sometimes a rest tone; at other times pulls to do.

la: submediant - an active tone; pulls to do.

ti: leading tone - an active tone, pulls to do.

really i've always preferred playing/hearing than looknig at charts.

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Message 8/17             07-Jun-02  @  10:12 AM     Edit: 07-Jun-02  |  12:32 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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we did the hand movements at school. do mi so do so mi do

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Message 9/17             07-Jun-02  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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so-do-mi ?

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Message 10/17             07-Jun-02  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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in school no less!

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Message 11/17             07-Jun-02  @  06:25 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...



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after 12 years, i can still remember "ode to joy"... yikes!

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Message 12/17             07-Jun-02  @  09:43 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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interesting how I read that and knew exactly what song it was. 6th grade music class is still in our head.

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Message 13/17             16-Jun-02  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...



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Learn how music 'works' and you will discover how any chord will go with Cmajor. Its all in the arrangement.

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Message 14/17             01-Jul-02  @  02:08 AM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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Message 15/17             25-Jul-02  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...



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Message 16/17             02-Aug-02  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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Always use your ears.

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Message 17/17             29-Mar-05  @  07:11 AM   -   RE: Chord progressions...


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Hey It's all in the ears and imagination no offense to theory but sometimes you need to back off and let your imagination take controll and then go back and with the theory maybe try to arrange things like voicings a little better. But in music anything goes it's just a mater of combinig all the colors in a smooth way.....
That's why I am a Jazz Pianist. I love Taking my music to another dirrection

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