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Original Message 1/2             01-Oct-02  @  09:11 PM   -   SEQUENCER & MIDI



Link?: Link

File?:  No file

i have a roland gr33 guitar synthesizer, and i
know it can be used to sequence on a
computer, or to conroll sounds on a softsynth,
such as reason. i cannot figure out what
settings it needs to output midi info thru a midi
interface into a mac. the gr33 is not on the list
of controllers in oms 2.3.8. what can i do to
hook this thing up? any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.

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Message 2/2             04-Oct-02  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: SEQUENCER & MIDI


Posts: 6231

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

to control a softsynth? you need to figure out (1) what your h/w controller #s are (each knob should have a discrete cc# pending it will actually accomplish this) (2) if you need to turn the gr midi send option on.. not all h/w defaults to automatically sending controller data. then just match up your software to respond to those controllers (and perhaps config your port to pass them??) that's all.

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