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Subject: Pick sounds from other songs!

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Original Message 1/7             19-Mar-98  @  03:46 PM   -   Pick sounds from other songs!



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For example, I like a bassdrum in another song
and I really want it, how should I get it?

Or if itīs a for example a piano, then what?

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Message 2/7             19-Mar-98  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: Pick sounds from other songs!



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Errr..why not sample it and use it?

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Message 3/7             19-Mar-98  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Pick sounds from other songs!



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But if the "bassdrum" are surrounded by other sounds,
what should I do then, I donīt have a sampler.

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Message 4/7             20-Mar-98  @  08:48 AM   -   RE: Pick sounds from other songs!



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well unless you have a sampler there is no way you can grab the sound. With a product like recycle you could extract the bass drum from the slice of music you've sampled but your gonna need a sampler!

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Message 5/7             20-Mar-98  @  01:28 PM   -   RE: Pick sounds from other songs!



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and anyway....... that bassdrum sample is gonna also have the other backing sounds play with it if you sample it out of the track....... even iof the deacy is set very short.... it'll still let you hear the other backing sounds as muddiness in the sample signal...... wouldnt it be better to identify the sound, and recreate it in isolation ?

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Message 6/7             20-Mar-98  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: Pick sounds from other songs!



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I read in Future Music a couple of months ago about some German company that made a software bundle claiming to be able to extract individual tracks from CDs. Problem is there's no demo and the program cost 20 grand.

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Message 7/7             20-Mar-98  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Pick sounds from other songs!



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one solution is to use a frequency display and try to figure out in which frequencies the sound is most prominent. Then you use a good filter/eq and just cut all the other frequencies. I guess those programs work in a similiar way.

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