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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards + breakout box

Added: 04-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: see below for prices  |   S/H price: ??


Are you making audio tracks on the PC ??...Girlfriend Just left you ??...Dog just died ??...Crop failed again this year ??
Well who gives a shit with products like these are coming out in the next month or two !!!

I found out about these units when I called Key Audio Systems to check out some Ensoniq kit... and when the literature arrived & I checked the Event website, I nearly wet me knickers!.... This is the moment we've been waiting for, and only more can follow, as other majors are forced to attend this market area..... The PC is at last coming of age for digital audio... (OH yeah...they work with PCI Mac's too... drivers due in July !!)

First up, all these cards run on the 32 bit PCI bus... so faster speed than on ISA... Secondly, they all feature internal Motorola 24 bit DSP chips to do all the processing at a stunning 60 - 80 MIPS, so no sweat for the PC CPU or twatting around with DMA's... Thirdly, seperate outputs means you have the option to mix externally through a mixer & traditional FX units. For those of us who traded to H/D systems from analog multi-tracks this of course is a Godsend, and something towards which all of us have hoped the PC would aspire, without the traditionally super-inflated prices of hardware like Digidesign, Pro-tools, Soundscape etc etc

The other thing... and very important too this is... traditionally going to seperate outs with software meant having to change to work with the hardware units' specially designed or supported software... maybe this didn't have midi.....maybe it was an audio only software....Maybe you just didn't like it ........ Well not now, cos these cards will support ALL the proprietry brand softwares, whether Cakewalk Pro Audio, Cubase Audio, Soundforge, SawPlus, Logic Audio, Wavelab, Cool Edit pro etc etc......WICKED !!

Oh yeah....did I mention that all the analog outs & ins on these cards feature 20 bit high quality converters ?......Well they do !!....and Praise The Lord....they use either RCA phono's, or 1/4 inch Jack connectors !!! (Balanced on the Layla unit)....

Lets take a look at the units.


Price... £ 299...YUP...Two hundred & ninety-nine sterling !! ....about $ 350 US Dollars !

The cheapest of the range... stereo analog input, and 8 analog outputs... The picture says it all really huh ?.....The card goes in the PCI slot, and the connector block plugs into the connector.


Price... £ 499.... YUP 499 sterling !!... about $ 500 US Dollars !

The next up of the range... stereo analog input, and 8 analog outputs... The picture says it all really huh?... The card goes in the PCI slot, and the connector lead attatches to a box with the analog connectors... but with the Gina card, you also get 24 bit S/PDIF In & OUT connectors for glorious digital transfer (they're on the card)... I've experienced this unit, and if it's indicative of the whole range, then they are well-solid.... The Gina is built like the proverbial Brick shite-house... The connector cable is so sheilded, it's like wrestling a bloody anaconda when trying to route it round whatever studio obstacles!!... The box is a solid pressed steel affair, and the jacks plug in with a good re-assuring solid 'Clunk'... well made... Great sound quality... Next!


Price... £ 899... YUP 899 sterling!... about $ 1000 US Dollars !

The top dog of the range... featuring 8 analog inputs, 10 analog outs, all on 1/4 inch balanced connectors with input levels that are adjustable in software from -10dBV to +4dBu, and you can adjust individual input levels in 1/2 dB steps to take full advantage of the 20 bit processing with quiet or loud signals... Plus you get 24 bit S/PDIF I/O, Word Clock I/O, and also, midi IN, OUT & THRU which is real useful for midi & H/D softwares cos you are not going to have seperate IRQ's for your midi... Cool!

As you can see, the actual connectors unit is linked to the PCI card via a cable, and it's self powered... AND, you can link more than one together, to get up to 24 simultaeneously available inputs, and 30 outputs !!...all synced with the word-clock connectors with single sample resolution... That means TIGHT!... Oh yeah, they also added an extra 2 analog inputs on the front of the unit for those... "Quick... get this idea down now" moments !!

Well, there you have it... All the cards are musician priced...(we're always broke huh?)... The two cheapest ones, the DARLA & GINA, are available in the UK starting June... The LAYLA units to follow a month later.

Well I'm in heaven... If 8 outs on a PCI bus with software compatability across the board aint enuff for you at these starting prices, then ...well, I dunno what.

Lastly, all the units are emblasoned with a second logo reading: "By ECHO"... Well, Echo Corporation are well respected longstanding PC engineers who developed this project range....you can read more about them at the Event website... OH yeah; all these units are plug-n-pray, no jumpers!... so says the literature, although I would personally never let windows detect hardware for me, unless I needed to go out to lunch for a while!

Also, all of the cards become the PCI busmaster... this means that rather than the PC's CPU delivering the audio data to the card, the CPU says... "Look, there's some data stored over there that the software wants, go and get it, and the card then controls the bus delivery of the data"... roughly translated this means... FASTER & MORE!... and with PCI as opposed to ISA we're talkin alot more speed & throughput... Like say the difference between the B339 passing Lemington Spa, as opposed to the M4 at 5 a.m on a Sunday morning... (great for testing your new Harris Magnum Honda Fireblade, if you get my drift !!)... the whole thing runs on one IRQ for all 8 outs and 4 ins.... (set it to IRQ 5 or lowest available)... and of course no DMA's.

Event now have a software you can grab for free to test your PC's PCI - to - H/D performance to get an idea of how many trcks it'll handle... I've added the link to the reporter page, and you can grab the small utility programme from our sever (SEE BELOW)

If you're new to this game, these cards mean that with a programme like Cakewalk ,Logic or Cubase, you can send all your loops out to a mixer on seperate channels as well as full length audio, even small intermitent audio parts such as hits & FX can be routed to dedicated mixer channels meaning all your loops, vocals, noises & hits etc can be EQ'd, reverbed, delayed etc etc just right in the mix... with not a drop of strain on the PC processor... This means that samplers are even more relegated to tasks requiring midi note triggering or sample & synthesis jobs... In the past, you might have needed a 32 Mb sampler for all the loops & vocal parts etc... Not with hard-disk programmes... Midi & H/D software could always perform these functions, but to get the perfect mix without seperate out's was difficult or required several processes to get the sound perfect, and applying software FX greatly reduced track quantities & speed... with seperate outs at this price, you could even dedicate an output for the Kik drum only, as you play the sample from the software!... Lets face it...how many dance tracks do you do with 8 vocals?!

So....Logic has a cheap 8 out card out already, but you have to change to Logic... Yamaha are supposed to be releasing one this summer, at around the 500 - 600 quid mark that is all-software compatible, and these units have really put the icing on the cake.

I did a few calculations, and with the cheapest DARLA card, Cakewalk Pro Audio, and a P133, you're lookin at a system costing SUBSTANTIALLY less than some of the dedicated multi-out h/disk hardware units on the market... YES .... around the 1200 quid mark !!.... but as these units use PCI bus and dedicated internal DSP units, you can run 8 tracks on something like a DX100, or P60/75... even cheaper!... Visit the website, read the book, get the T-shirt..... L8ers !!

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User Comments

Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

This & the Terratec card makes the best things to happen all year for PC audio

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Christer Vainionpää
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have my own company called CV Ljud Design and I work as a musician, engineer and composer. I allso sell and

install equipment to schools, studios and other institusions. I.d like to know more about your cards, were can I try

one out here in Sweden?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hey peeps....I'll say it again......I dont design make or whatever the software & cards previewed in this site.....go to

the company site and ask them about a Swedish distributor.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Damian Agius
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

These cards sound great. When will they be released in Australia, and is their a distributor here?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Michael L. Jordan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Man...do I want one of those fuckers! You called it dude.If they live up to the hype it's gonna revolutionize the audio card market and hopefully bring the prices even lower.Who are some of the retailers slated to market their cards? RSVP Homie

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yup....I'd say to everyone whatever you are looking to purchase right now audio wise...be careful & patient, cos there's alot of changes coming along....these cards and stuff like the Terratec EWS-64, are just the crest of the wave I reckon....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Jose Alea
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I will be going to the NAMM show in Nashville

this weekend..I will head to the Event booth

and find out if they are displaying the

prototypes yet....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

prototypes !!?.......these things are in the shops in the UK in about 2 weeks......

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Eric Diez
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Great Site! You need, however, to put dates on the user comments. Teasing statements like "Layla should ship next month" don't mean much without 'em. Anyway.... what is the latest news on Layla ??? -Eric

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

ah....good point.....i guess I'll have to re-code the results code...however, I'm not sure if the current date can be included with a CFM "Append" tag..... I'll check it out.....but good point.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilko
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

oh.er.layla should ship about a months time in the Uk.....(august time)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: G Evans
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

sidewinder I did wet me knickers! ha ha ha... Got an Event rep on phone. Told me they're go'in major on availability

and vendors. Guitar Center will be getting first dibs in USA but will be everywhere soon... YEESSS!!! DEATH TO

OVER PRICED UNDER POWERED HARDWARE. ; ) Good call on this one Kilo! Now all I gota do is ditch my

Spectral DAW while its still worth a cup of coffee... G Evans Bryte Spot A/V Post Minneapolis MN

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: ArtW
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Heard from Event yesterday (July 31). They say Layla

will be shipping in US by end of August (don't know what year). I wouldn't hold my breath on this one, seems there's chip problems. Pleanty of time to change your knickers before the rush. I've got 9gig

of wide ultra SCSI drives waiting to be filled up. I can hardly wait.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Wayne Marshall
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

re you sure the Gina is going to sell for $500??? When will it it be available? I'm in California,US. Any info?


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: rakulus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

This might be a dumb question but can these cards simultaneousy play and record. I like to bounce track alot.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Michael J.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Great hype, but where is the hardware? It seems

to me that they would be out with the demand and

all. I work in the audio electronic manufacturing

business (Harman Int.), and delays usually mean

design and/or parts availabilty problems. Any word

from Event on these subjects? They must have

researched the marketplace. Why aren't they ready?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: G Evans
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

nearly august now... is layla out yet?

any reviews comments?

heard rumors that main chip is still proto and

wont be out for some time (from a competitor;)

also that cards are'nt fully funtional in 95 and

not realy happenin til next win vers they're

opped for...

what u hear kilo?


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ben Harrison Again
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99


Just spent a wad of dosh ringin every fucken music

store on east coast Australia specialises in Sound

cards and all claim that they havn't arrived in

Australia yet. Only a few guys had estimate prices

for me and although I'm only average at maths

the price they gave me on the gina was between

$1700 and $2000.. Darla came in at $1200 to $1500

Fuck the conversion rate & duty sucks.. The

audiowerk8 in Aus is $1100 so it makes no sense.

Is there any reliable way I can frieght items

such as sound cards from uk to Aus to avoid some

of this Music store bullshit.. Answer to this

would really help me out...

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yup....around the 500 dollar mark

....see, the thing is, we are about to witness

another tech wave like in the 80's with cheap

multi-tracks ,digital reverbs etc.....

It's coming for the PC believe me !!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ben Harrison
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Fuck.... And I was this close to buying a Pinnacle

Man... I am glad you run one of the best fucking

web pages around.. I had a heart attack upon

discovering this one.. And my crop didn't even

fail this year (5 oz of Skunk no2 cross) ..

Any Australian distributers.. Forget The Feasant

Audiowerk8 for Logic (hate it) Rip on these sexy

chickkies... 20 bit a/d/a converters (pinnacle

can smoke in their huge price tag) is that on ALL

ins and outs ... (FUCK YEAH) maybe a dB rating

would be cool for each card.. I'm headin shop

wise soon with cash in hand.. Please don't be

another full featured noisy demon of a sound card

All I want is a quiet little female companion

that knows how to keep her mouth shut and all

8 legs open for output...

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Yizoo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Layla sounds very attractive to me - an all-rounder kinda gal. And to think that I'm female... Let The Battle Of the

Soundcards begin!!!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yup.....the Darla & Gina are out this month.....the Layla I think arrives the following month....anyhow....for

distributors within the different territories, go to the event site using the link, and email em....in the UK, actually,

We can supply this card....so if you live in the London area, email us if you want one.....otherwise, outside of

London, call Key Audio Systems (Ensonique/Mackie dist'), and get a shop stockist number from them...

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Carl Pelletier
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

These cards sound too good to be true!! Are going to be available SOON?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

nowt wrong with the link matey.....I realise it's making life real difficult to click a radio button ....but hey...hang in there !!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ariel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

The link to EVENT seems to be Wrong annybody know how to reach these guys for further info? If this card

delivers what it claims I will be puchasing the Layla NOTE FOR THE WEBMASTER the marks selector should

have a does not apply field for messages like these... Thanx!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

well Igor mate...if you really can't wait and you wanna get a tahiti...there's a question I have for you.....do you have

a DAT machine ?....if yes....next question is....do you really want to mix your 8 track tapes in software only to go to

stereo out with something like saw ??.....if the answer to both is yes...then this is what i would recommend...

get an S/P dif digital card.....see the piece I wrote on "How to get 8 tracks into a computor software recorded in one

at a time and line them up in sync to playback".....it's simple solution requiring NO syncroniser....

next...you can do it like this.....set the DAT into monitor mode to monitor the input....send the first 8 track channel

from tape to the dat input...take the digital out from the dat into your PC.....and record the first track with the click

(see my article)....next repeat for the other 7 tracks....so you are transfering into the pc with digital send using the

converters on the DAT.....

next.....mix it in SAW...adding eq., reverb etc....(hey did you get the SAWplus Reverberator demo...it works without

paying you just cant save the presets that you create...but it has some good presets which yes you can edit...you

just cant save the edits)...anyhow....do your mix....then send the whole mix and software fx etc...as a finished piece

back to DAT via the s/pdif card....er....you could use a real cheap soundblaster card for monitoring..or monitor from

the dat analog outputs.....

It's an idea.....it will give you a better quality, cos the sound only goes through converters once...(from tape/mixer to

dat to PC..)...whereas, if you do it with a soundcard....you will send it through ada's 3 times...once from tape/mixer to

PC card...once through pc card to mixer...once through mixer to dat again

OK.if this seems like a shit idea, then go for the tahiti...if you really do not want 8 seperate outs....the advantage

would be....if you got a syncroniser...you could sync the analog tape machine to the pc programme to get a total of

14 tracks (with analog machine you must leave a blank track between the code track & the next audio track...total

remaining usable tracks =6))...or 15 tarcks with an adat.....7 from the adat...and 8 from the pc...all these outputs can

be mixed together on the same mixer down to dat....all you do is record to adat/fostex or whatever...then when you

run out of tracks....record to the pc...it should all run in sync with time code on one of the tape tracks.....

the other thing is...yes the event card will be faster meaning more audio tracks on the pc whichever the software

you are using......also...you can re-mix your tape tracks from the pc using hardware fx if you like...or software

fx...like sat yes you could apply some eq to tracks in software...and add stuff in hardware too, if you

like.....remember, if you do use the event and want to mix in software ONLY to a stereo out....you can use just 2

outputs on the event...you dont have to use all 8.....as it is the same price as the tahiti...I just think if you can get

one....then I'd say do it...cos you're getting 6 extra outputs for free...(as the event Darla is the same price as the

tahiti)...but also, the event cards are PCI cards....faster....less processor strain...more cpu available to apply

realtime software fx or Eq.....

hope this is an answer....why not email event...and see where you can get one from......if you still decide you need a

tahiti...I'll Fedex mine over to you if you want to buy it !!!!!!!....

But dont get me wrong....the tahiti to my mind is the most reliable and fastest of the cheaper ISA cards...no

doubt...they are very very good....But it's just that you get all those extra outputs with the Darla/Gina etc...and the

speed of PCI bus....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Igor
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Well, I feel completely disoriented after all this news. I was going to buy a Tahiti,really... What I need is to transfer my 8-track tapes to .WAV and further to Audio CD format. I planned to do all mixing inside the computer, so I don't really need 8 outputs (8 inputs would be more useful for me, actually). Aside those multiple outputs what are
the advantages over the Tahiti? Speed? Noise ratio? Tahiti is available here in Moscow for 350. Somehow I don't beleive that new Event card will be here in a coupla month for the same price... What would you recommend for a guy with a Pent133, 32 Mb RAM, 11Ms IDE HDD, an external sound module, and which uses Cakewalk 5 for recording, Sound Forge for audio editing and SAWplus and Samplitude Pro for mixdown? Thanks.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

heh heh...Agreed...so get me one while you're at the bar huh !!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Sidewinder
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I need another beer.. Sounds too good almost. Well anyways anyone know about a US of A place to buy these

puppies? ooh.. Sidewinder

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Jeffrey McFarland-Johnson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've been real patient(fer about 1 year now) in getting my DAW system together . But it's the soundcard that has

tripped me up all this time. I tried installing an Audiomedia III card (the Wave Driver sucks and does not conform

to Win95 protocol, also my Diamond Stealth video card didn't get along with AM3 at all (should I get a different

brand of video card that would not be so condescending to soundcards? I'm on the list of getting the Layla system

when it's released. However, I'm also interested in the Korg Soundlink DSR system (168RC Recording Counsel &

1212I/O PCI audio interface). It would be even more incredible to edit and remain in the digital domain from input

to CD burner. But the DSR currently operates only on the Mac platform. Have you heard any rumors if Korg is

writing or planning to release PC drivers for DSR? I'm also afraid of Korg as a company to deal with. If some- thing

flips out in the mixer I'm done for. . . It's too early to tell if this system truly works. But it's exciting the direction

it's heading. Back to Layla. The only thing missing in Layla is an ADAT optical "lightpipe" interface. Do you think

that 3rd party developers (or Event, for that matter) can produce a piggyback card that has an ADAT optical port?

Otherwise, the Layla seems like the most solid digitial I/O system yet. I'm tired of waiting. I'm told Layla will now

be out in August '97. Hope to hear your soon response. Best regards, GREAT WEB PAGE!! I'll be back. . . jeffrey


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yes they are full-duplex..(sim' rec' & play)....but with hard disk, you bounce digitally inside the PC .....no need to do it as with a tape

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: BiNpIMP
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Gina is here!!! Guitar Center in the US has installed some demos...this is the easiest instalation process ever! Heard Layla should be along soon as well as Darla. The quality looks like it was worth the wait!

p.s. I don't work for Event or echo, so don't ask me tech questions! I've just heard some stuff about US distribution.

Posted Oct. 14, 1997

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: james reynolds
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

a kind person from syntrillium software answered

my question ... the full version of cool edit pro

lets you send any tracks to any outputs in any

combination, mixing as you please ... neat!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: james reynolds
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

anyone know if the gina can do software mixing of

audio tracks (like a normal stereo soundcard)?

initially i probably won't be needing all those aux

outputs, and would rather be able to play back 16

(or more) tracks through a single stereo pair of

outputs. the gina FAQ on the event page said something

about "no playback track mixing".. (i'm specifically

thinking of using cooledit pro)..

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


lookit, if you cant get one where you are,

mail me and I'll send you one via DHL....

you gotta trust me !!....

I can get them at trade price...

quickest way would be international bank transfer...

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Paul No card crazy dude..
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

A poem for sympathetic Event desirers..

No card. No card. Why is it so hard!

For all those who deal provide me no meals,

of scrumptious 8 output treats,

All I want, with no disregard,

Is the fastest, quietest cheapest sound card,

Event is her name and It's really quite sad,

That no-one can help me, I'm going quite mad!

We'll they say that she's comin, but I really don't know.

To me all I see is a major no show.

So here I shall wait. Till my hair has turned grey.

With two ins and outs, 16 bit, and total dismay.

Event if you're out there then please do take heed.

Get these cards out soon. To you I doth plead.

Although my poetic skills need a lot to be desired.

I would swear to write no more If I had one of those Bloody fine cheap soundcards!@!@!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

well, I'm not sure of the exchange rate for Ozland !!.....

or wether there is some xtra duty for you guys.....but....there have been delays.....

The Event DARLA is the cheapest of the Event range, but if you want even quieter system, go for the Gina when released...... It has the audio on a breakout box, connected by cable, so it is independent of the PC chassis....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Neal Sanche
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I got my new GINA three days ago. It was a little

more expensive in Canada than I was prepared for

and I cleaned out my bank account to bring it home.

Yes, I wanted it that badly!

My installation was not so smooth. I have a PCI SCSI

card, that comflicted with the IRC of the GINA. So

I told my BIOS to set the GINA to a free IRQ and I

was off to the races.

Cooledit Pro is a very good program! I've also tested

the GINA with everything that I could get my hands

on in Windows, and it has worked flawlessly.

I went out and bought some 1/4 inch to RCA jack

adaptors, so I could sample some stuff off my tapedeck.

I set the GINA's EasyTrim mode on, listened to what

I wanted to record. I turned off EasyTrim, rewound

the tape and recorded the track without having to

worry about any clipping! Brilliant feature.

Absolutely enthusiastic at this end! :) Get one.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: oscar argote
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Can i record multitack in a IDE HD with LAYLA


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Michael Covert
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

where is the layla card? i bought one, but does anyone know when i can expect delivey????? the time stamp on this message is 1/5/98.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

well, the guy in one of the magazines tested a Gina, using wavelabs testing window, and found both on the s/pdif & analog inputs the noise was absolutely zero level...... even he tried moving the Gina next to his graphics card, and again zero noise level..... he said it was the quitest card out of about 10 or so he'd reviewed over the last 2 years..... and with a P166, (there's a testing programme) it gave him an approximate 24 tracks of playback reading whilst recording stereo with his system (remeber it's a BUSMASTER card..... si IT communicated directly with the hrd drive, ordering the delivery of the audio direct rather than the CPU having to do it)...... i'll get the tester.. hang on.....

right.....POSTED ABOVE.....

use this Reporter to analyse your pci bus speed and HD speed to see what tracks you ca expect with an event card....

also, Steinberg are writing special ASIO drivers for VST, which will mean faster latency so you can then actually (in theory - knowing steinberg), be able to montor direct from hard drive as you record with a letency (delay) of about 20ms.....this means that if you are using VST, you can record IN dry (no FX) to the card..... and monitor at the output with FX added from VST....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Metro
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

This is a great site. Go Kilo! For those of you with technical questions about installation etc., just go to Event's web site for info and answers. Echo's engineering on these cards is simply amazing. These cards are the beginning of a new musical revolution! Get in on the fun!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Jeffrey J. DiGiovanni
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

do you have developer's tools for example, Visual

Basic to create digital waves and route them out

the D/As in real time?

Also, please send spec's on the Darla and Gina.



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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: david
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


I've read the comments on Event's GINA card.

But no one really mentioned how it sounds.

I've heard it's a little noisy? How's the digital

(SPDIF) ins\outs? Comments???????

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Raven L
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

hey kilo,

I really want one of those cards but I've heard rumours that they don't work with Logic Audio and Logic Discovery. Have you seen a darla or gina in action running with Logic on PC? These cards kick arse in comparison to emagic's own card, but if they don't work with Logic then I'm just wasting my time.

By the way, great site!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Cameron
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

These cards look great.. I found a place in Australia

that is distributing the EVENT cards.


The RRP in Australian Dollars at the above

address are :Darla $899, Gina $1299 , Layla $2399.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: gibb
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm very interested about the mac's version of Layla, can you give me some info?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Fabian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hey Kilo!!!!!!

Could you give me the price on a Layla system and on a Gina system.

Can I buy them via you, or could you give me an adress of a dealer from Event, I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Javier Bosque
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi ! I´m Javier Bosque from Querétaro, Qro. (In Mexico), I need the Layla prouduct, please give me information of the distribuitors, these is urgent, Do we speak spanish please?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Javier Bosque Again
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Is Javier Bosque again, Do we have one distribuitor in Mexico? Or near to these country? Can I buy the prouduct in Internet?, with wire transfer? In my house? wit credit card?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Petr Hornak
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Scotti Kunkel @ The "GET HEARD" Network
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Nice Website....

I need your help. I'm assembling a Dual Pentium 300 Computer System (Intel DK440LX Motherboard) with A Seagate Cheetah 9.1 Ultra SCSI Hard Drive...A Diamond Fire GL1000 Pro AGP Graphics Card. I want to Access An Alesis QSR Sound Module (It has ADAT interface). Will the Gina/Layla S/PDIF Interface allow me to access the QSR without buying an ADAT Interface board. Also...if I own a Gina/Layla...will I need an Audio Card (Soundblaster AWE64Gold)? Also...are there any high quality brand name sound modules & drum modules availabe on a PCI or ISA Card? Please give me your recommendations on what the best software or what combination of software is available for this system (SAWplus32,Cakewalk Pro...etc.)

Thank You

(Man Am I Glad I found your Website

Product rating out of 5: 

Nice Website....

I need your help. Im assembling a Dual Pentium 300 Computer System (Intel DK440LX Motherboard) with A Seagate Cheetah 9.1 Ultra SCSI Hard Drive...A Diamond Fire GL1000 Pro AGP Graphics Card. I want to Access An Alesis QSR Sound Module (It has ADAT interface). Will the Gina/Layla S/PDIF Interface allow me to access the QSR without buying an ADAT Interface board. Also...if I own a Gina/Layla...will I need an Audio Card (Soundblaster AWE64Gold)? Also...are there any high quality brand name sound modules & drum modules availabe on a PCI or ISA Card? Please give me your recommendations on what the best software or what combination of software is available for this system (SAWplus32,Cakewalk Pro...etc.)

Thank You

(Man Am I Glad I found your Website [/quote]'); insertatcursor(document.getElementById('mytext2'),'yoromeo@tznet.com'); insertatcursor(document.getElementById('mytext3'),'You are replying to a message posted by another visitor. If the original-poster added an email with their post, your reply will send an email directly to their in-box');">Reply
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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Jeff (Great Gatsby) Johnson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

You blokes have yet to try a DARLA card with

Cubase VST , or that would be "shit me knickers"

drop me a line in the e-box and i ship ya a short wav.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Can you E-Mail me your address. I assume you are in the U K. I want a Layla at the price you quote ( £ 899.00) and am willing to come and get it. I live in Luxemburg and I am often in London. Hopefilly you are alsor in or near

London. Can you give me the TOTAL price with V.A.T. and all. Thanks kensey@innet.lu

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Axika
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Laylaaaaa! Layyylaaaaa! Are you heaaaaaar?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Peter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi Kilo !!

I've just gathered to the crowd of bluefaced jerks

who's checking Events Layla pages every day !!

But I'm a NT4.0 - Sawplus32 user. I cant find

any info in that matter except "we think we will

ship NT drivers later on"......"#¤%#"&

Do You have any input on the NT status ??????

Does the "echo reporter" work properly on NT ??

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: MILO
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

HI, I am working with Audiomedia III now and I am seriously interested in buying Layla for HD recording and mix. But i also want some card which will replace external sampler module. Which card is beter Terratec (which model??) or Pinaccle. Is Pinaccle read KRZ samples? What samples Terratec reads? Best regards from SPLIT CROATIA!!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: David
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've read the comments on Event's GINA card.

But no one really mentioned how it sounds.

I've heard it's a little noisy? How's the digital

(SPDIF) ins\outs? Comments???????

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: ArtW
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Well, . . . It's December 4, and still no Layla. Event keeps pushing back the release date. They give a different reason every time they are asked why. If you ask me, it's PROBLEMS . . . PROBLEMS . . . PROBLEMS. They are saying that the unit will be available in the US in time for Christmas. I'll believe it when I see it ! ! ! Don't hold your breath ! ! !

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm currently helping a friend of mine with a new P2 266 and GINA combo.... It's a VERY well built unit..... and quiet too....... No ASIO drivers are out yet.... but soon (2/4/98).... I'll keep the sga posted as we progress to trying to get the max from the system.....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Daniel Miller
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

£499 pounds is more than $500, just thought i'd mention it, we don't want the yanks to get too excited.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Andreas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hello guys. i own the Gina card. Does anybody know

if there is a beta version of an asio driver from event?

i also tested gina for noise with wavelab and i got

a -84 db noise at the analog input while -96 at

the spdif input.Any comments or advises would be

very usefull . Thanks!!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: john groesse
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


at my source company i have bought two layla's. Where are they is my question? Do you really, really feel like you will ever get this completed and out for the user or is this just a dream machine like a concept car at the autoshow. surely someone can tell me something more accurate then the information i have been getting.

if i need to do something else please let me know. it's a terrible thing to get your hopes built up about getting a unit like this and then be put on hold for months and months.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Andreas Kämpe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I am a happy ownwer of a Gina soundcard,

the signal to noice ratio (both recording and

playback)is so great that you can use the analog

section as an professional recorder.

You really can use all of the 16 bits in a

recording without having to mask any noice.

All 2/4 analog outputs usees the cs4327 D/A

converter, This means that you can easly modify

the card to get 5 spdif outputs.

the card is super.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: martin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I tell ya,you read all the nightmares in this thread about trying to get these cards to work and it scares me from getting one.Maybe i'll go for a vs880.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Mike
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Do these cards also suppport the STEINBERG VST software for PC?

Thanks for answers


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Vadim Chaly
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Thanks for a great site!A question now... (I think it has been asked but I didn't notice any answer yet.)Is it possible with Darla to run eight outs through a mixing desk and record'em simultaneously using the two inputs? I guess it is a question of whether Darla supports full duplex but I'm a musisian, you know... Vadim, Kaliningrad, Russia

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

At last somebody responded on our needs !!!!!

This moment I am scraping money together to

buy it as soon as possible, I can't wait.

Now I am working with four standerd soundcards

to gain the 8 outputs, but it ends in timestretching to get rid of the outsync between

the cards due to there individual clockfrequentie.

It costs a lot of ours and mistakes are no option.

I wonder though why it took so long to bring out

something simple, without the midi, gameport and

wavetable shit !!!!!!!!!!

I am very pleased and when I have stuffed one in

my computer(darla due to money) I will email you

again as soon as possible...........

Greeting Niels Lefeber (Doomsday Reflex)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Lino Iannicelli
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99


How much is Event Gina included postal tariff ?

I live in Italy.

Thank you.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Pablo Fasan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm searching a replace for my Audiomedia III board because Digidesign has not released a new driver that supports TDM plugins for Win95 and Windows NT 4.0.

Does your hardware support these type of plugins?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

right a couple of things....

1...... the "Sir" letter...... my freind we are not the distributor.... or retailer...... I suggest that your powers of investigation go slightly deeper.......

2. the Gina installs like a dream..... so i cant see where you get this 'problem-install' idea from.....

There is NO_NEED to record from the cards 8 outs to the input..... vst & most other hard disk s/w re-mixes the choosen quantity of tracks , between 2 choosen marker points, into a new .wav or aiff audio file, complete with all fx, fader moves. pan moves and eq etc....... that is the whole point of hard-disk !!........ however..... the card should be able to do that..... cant see why you'd want to tho !

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Hubert Prieger
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi Kilo:

First, this is a great nad very very helpful site.

I am getting ready to buy a new PC system and

spent quite some time to research what hardware and

SW I should buy. I really will appreciate if you can

answer my questions.

I intend to get a Pentium II, 23 Mhz, Cubase VST,

Win95, Gina Soundcard and a 2Gig SCSI Ultra Wide

Harddrive and 64 MB SRDAM

1. Is the hard dirve large enough for some initial

digital recording (I can always get a bigger one) but

does it have enough room for several 5 minute songs?

2. Is the hardware and Gina Card compatible with Cubase VST?

I do mostly European Dance / Groove stuff and

wonder if Cubase is the best for that?

I plan on getting a rewritable CDROM to have a final master version

of my tracks, what do you recommend there?

3. I heard that some Videocards do not work

without problems with the GIna card. What do you recommmend?

Is 4MB of memory on a Videocard enough for CubaseVST?

Thanks for your help and for offering this great website !!!!!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

The Darla can send 8 differents songs in the same time on each different jack connector

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: MSI Studios
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

If you have any more info for those who are ignorant and trying to switch

over from analog 8-track, please send it my way. Is it possible to

connect from the computer up to a CD disk recorder for

a master? Is it available for Mac? We are very interested. When and where?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: rodney
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

These cards look great but Yamaha is about to kick Event's butt for being sooo slack in keeping their promises.

The new DSP factory card will wipe the floor clean with Layla and all the rest of the competition.

An 02R digital mixer on a PCI card priced halfway between Gina and Layla.

Layla's birth was long delayed and she is stillborn.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Robert J Talbot
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

When using Event Darla with cubase VST (3.55), cant get outputs 3-8 working.

I try telling cubase to output on these channels but the darla still keeps outputing on 1 and 2.

Help please

Also is there an updated driver?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Troy Morvant
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

The Layla looks lovely, but I have to give bad marks for a company that not only anounces a product before they have quantity, but keeps delaying the release date!! ARRRrrgh! I have projects that are waiting on this.....!!!!1

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Mr Groove
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hey man, just thought i'd let you know that this site rocks!! I couldn't believe my luck when i found a site that actually compared some Semi-pro PC HD recording Cards... You sell them better than the manufacturers do...

Anyway... a big THANKS - you just saved me hours of timewasting with dumb retail employees..!!

Mr Groove

PS. How easy is it to freight one to Australia??

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Adrian Smith
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Mine works fine, until I try to do full duplex

programming with the win32 SDK low-level audio

functions. Windows sees Darla as 1 stereo in

and 4 stereo outs. But it won't let me open the

input and output device at the same time

(somewhere below it sees Darla as one device).

I don't have the knowhow to get more low level

yet and it is pretty damn frustrating.

Event's site are establishing a reputation as not

very helpful.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: David Cummins
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I like my Gina card. It sounds really good.

There are some negative issues surrounding the card, however.

I find that the "easy-trim" feature sucks. I don't

even bother with it anymore. I adjust the input gain

myself, and I use an Alesis 3630 compressor to make

sure that I don't send "over-hot" signals to the

card. Additionally, plan on buying some sequencing

software. Event claims that you'll be ready to start

recording "right out of the box" with Syntrillium's

Cool Edit Pro-Gina Version. This version sucks.

You can only record 10 tracks of audio with this version.

I also found that receiving technical support for this

software was very difficult. I decided to buy Cakewalk

Pro Audio 6.0. I've been very pleased with this product and

the product's technical support/newsgroups. In genral,

buy this card for the hardward capability to record and playback

digital audio. Do not buy it for the "out of the box"

musical experience that Event claims you will get.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: rodney
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Does Darla support multiple audio apps simultaneously?

I know the 8 outputs appear as virtual "devices"

with paired outputs to windows, not one device with 8 outs.

Does this mean I can simultaneously use one pair of outs for say Cubase VST,

another for Rebirth and another for another software synth

such as VAZ (If my PC can hack all this)?

Anyone tried anything like this?



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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: I want to kill someone from STB
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Well, Ive got news for anyone trying to install

an EVENT GINA with a STB VELOCITY 128 video card

and using CUBASE VST.

Well not that much chance but ive just spent three

days reinstalling windows and moving cards about.

The latest drivers and applications shipped with the

STB card are crap and stop CUBASE recording audio

(the system hangs).

The system works fine with my old S3 and now works

fine with the old set of drivers from the STB site.

Lots of grief but thats PC's for you.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

well, you know how it is.... we musicians have to wait on the defence and armaments industry for the latest chips to filter down,,,, heh heh..... after all thats where it all comes from... including the wwweb.....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Chuck
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hello, I'm just starting to get into recording

and aren't farmiliar with the terms that are being thrown around this page. I'm wondering, wouldn't it make more sense to have a soundcard with 8 inputs and 2 outputs? I don't know exactly what you'd need 8 outputs for, but thats just ignorance. Is the gina a good place to start if I want to record some songs (electric guitars, basses, and drums) with friends and maybe burn them to CD later? again, any help would be great.. I was looking at gina or a DMAN 2044 (the Dman has 4 inputs which seems to make more sense to me right now)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Vilaseca Ricardo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


Tengo una Pentium 200 mmx, 64 ram y 6 gigas, quiero saber si mi equipamiento es el adecuado para Layla. Gracias desde ya Soy de Argentina y aqui aun no tengo informacion de este producto.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Daz Nicholls
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Great sound but where are the Steinberg ASIO drivers? Synchronisation with midi can be a bit of a pain without midi controllers being built into the card. It would also be nice to be able digitally slave the unit instead of the PC always being the master clock. Good card but I can't help but think there are a pile of very cheap and far superior products just round the corner. (check out MOTU for example)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Andre Klabbers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Sind die Asio Treiber schon fur mein Gina karte da?

Is the Asio Driver for Gina Allready there?

Please send me if you now something.


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: DOOMSDAY REFLEX (n.lefeber)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've got one and it's great a double 5!!!!!!!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ronnie Mack
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've been waiting almost a year for a layla card. It seems as though the event people don't much care about what we want to know! Where is the card? if I can purchase one from you directly please let me know via e-mail. I understand that due to the good ol' us of a's underwriter labratories it is being held up here.

like to hear from you. Ronnie Mack

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

a PC can bring several darla simultanestly?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Per Ekberg
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Ho there

I use Darla and i like it but,I would like more

inputs so I´m thinking about Layla.

Is it really that good?

I use pII 266 and its not very safe working with

Darla and VST.

Is Layla stable?

Well it looks damn cool.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Reg
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

are there any soundcards with phantom power for


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

To get a board with a high quality as this one the price of gina is very affordable.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: jay
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have GINA.

Gina is the best card I've ever had.

Even though Their online support is not so

good, I like this card. Good quality.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ivo Arsov
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Good product for Lo-end users!

Plese send me e-mail, if

we have any changes in the prices.

Best Regards:

Ivo Arsov

DArT- Digital ArT Technologies Co. LTD


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: F.A.B.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I own a darla card,it is a good one but i can't work in multitasking with soundforge & cubase (the recording options in control panel are grayed out, why so?)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Trevor Blagg
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've just bought my Gina darling and I love her.

This makes Creative Labs AWE Gold card look like poo! I could never record in sync or hear quality playback whilst recording. This has all changed now!

The only query I have is that I cannot get it to play back midi files. I have a midi iport on my secondry (crap) soundcard, and still can't get my Alesis drum machine to sound through the Gina?

As most of the stuff I record is Guitar/vocal this is not too great a problem. It's just slightly pissing me off...

Any help would be appreciated....

Cheers Trev....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: ali
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

after hearin so much about gina i ordered it even tho i m still buildin my computer....it only cost me $335....i think thats cheap!!!!...some one please advise me on what MIDI irq to get so i can hook it up with sound modules....i'll be usin cakewalk pro....thanx...

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Trevor B.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Yes, I still love my Gina except she won't play midi files at all. I am using Cubase 3.52 on a PII 233, along with another (cheep) soundcard with a midi port. My question is; Can I get midi files in any way to play through the Gina Card or will I need to purchase a separate interface?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Also I am unable to play my CD ROm CD'S through the Gina as nobody in Coventry where I live seems able to supply me with the appropriate digitaal cable to connect the Rom drive to the back of the spdif connection on the Gina?

Thanks Trev....

P.S. if this question sounds familiar it's because the previous not (about ten previously was sent with the wrong email address sorry to those who have tried to answer.........

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Warren Bingham
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Got my Darla about 4 or 5 weeks ago.

The sound quality is excellent as is the support

on the Event Web Site. They keep updating the drivers regularly.

Heartily recommend this card.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Mario L. Giménez
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Audio & MIDI Hardware only , please

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Chris Walker
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Card sounds like a wet dream, one question, I have P200 with only 40 mb of RAM right now. I know I will have to upgrade some things like my hard drive (to SCSI from 2gb EIDE) but should I also upgrade my processor, m/board etc.? I am running VST.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Smith
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I don't know, that Gina supports direct MICs, especially condenser MICs, or not, or this is a stupid question?

Please write me if you know the answer, cos it's wery important to me know now!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Dave Rothan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Bought a 'Darla' a couple of months ago.

P200 MMX 64MB IDE Disk

Cubase VST - 14 Tracks Digital, over 20 Tracks Midi, perfect sync, more than a dozen real time FX! - Listen, this card is AWESOME. Buy one now. PX your multitrack for a good mixer (like I did) and never have to put up with shite mixes again. Congratulations Event on developing a superb suite of affordable, quality products.

(anyone still wondering whether I'm happy with this bit of kit?)



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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: djmd
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

For the past year or so, I've been recording thru a soundblaster (arrrgghhhhh)... I finally got a CD cooker, so I decided it was time for a real card. I looked at the FIJI, but finally decided on the DARLA. Just got it yesterday, and I've already recorded a CD's worth of vinyl... sounds just great. Now I need a better cartridge and I'll be ready to go!!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

its about time they make some real hardwhere products for all of us in the music field .

one input for recording just dont cut it .

what i love is the multi outs so i could mix it up like... to DEATH! then repatch and (you know!!!).

and it does the power on its own board not the CPU.

so that means ...more tracks...more time.

and i could dump my tape sync to one track so i could do multiples on my TB-303 synced to the mc-202.

how lovely.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Luke
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Just got my Darla! It kicks ass. Recycle, Cubase VST. . . I don't need anything else.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Juan francisco rojas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

quiero comprar una tarjeta DARLA

por que puedo hacer???...

mi telefono es 7636657 (guatemala)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Thomas Schobel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hi there!

I'm looking for layla for Mac (to use in a logic audio environment).

is it already available, if not please let me know when it will be!




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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Shane
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have Cubase VST. Has anyone used the Layla cards with it. Does it work well? Is the Yamaha DSP1624 better or worse than the Gina or Layla card. Any advice from anyone appreciated.


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: chrisk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I got the Darla a few weeks ago, awesome card!!

It totally revolutionises cubase vst, so many new possibilities open up. As well as the obvious of separating your sounds the fx racks can also be routed to whatever output you want, not to mention the fact that hopefully soon youll be able to run the FX on the onboard 66MIPS motorolla chip.

It is not perfect audio wise, with a small level of selfe noise and interference from the computer breaking through, but still it is leagues better than the conventional multimedia cards, especially the dynamic range, none of the flat, dull audio normally associated with soundcards.

I managed to get it from Leighs computers over the internet for $310 plus shipping.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Gianpaolo Viani
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

about GINA. Could I use my DAT plugged with digital S/PDIF input or output of GINA card?

GINA digital input and output are 24 bit while

DAT digital I/O are 16 bit. Does it work well?

Please answer me. Thank You.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: kenny sabarese
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

i have the darla and it rox for the price now i'd rather have the layla cuz of midid but for 300 bux mailorder this card rox and it has the processor on board so u don;t have to slow down yer pc very nice the only thing is that the update drivers are hard to install but once u get it they are all right CYA

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Chad Gould
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Yeah, their support is a little shoddy sometimes. I need to go reorder the breakout box, I never got an order in.

But I must admit the quality is excellent for the price. Very good sounding card (for the price, again, I've heard better DACs/ADCs but not for $300ish cards!)...

I wish I had at least one more input... I do need multi-outs, I sync my MMT-8 to a multitrack stripe and it rocks....

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Kurt Arnlund
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've had my Gina card since May '97 and I have to say that it kicks some serious ass. The card comes with cool edit pro SE (multi track recording software) so you can begin recording and sequencing audio right away. I send all 8 outputs to my mixer and use a switch box to select what goes into the 2 inputs.

The Gina makes my old SB AWE32 look like a noisy piece of crap. Everything I have recorded/sampled with the Gina sounds professional. It has an excellent trim function on the inputs that you can use to have it automatically adjust the input gain for low noise and no clipping of the input signals.

For those wondering where to order one.. I got mine at Guitar Center here in Los Angeles, CA (for exactly $379.99 US). I know they do mail order.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: alan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi all... great site Kilo. I'm hoping someone can clarify one thing for me. Does the Event range actually relieve strain from the computers processor when using soft-synths & samplers??

cheers! in advance.


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Hugo Elizalde
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've been using Layla and Cakewalk 7.0 for a month. Everything works the way it should (lovely), just one problem:

Layla does not recognize the wordclock signal incoming from a O3D yamaha mix.

Any idea?

Thanks for your help. Adios!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ciro Guarino
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Is it possible there are no NT4.0 drivers for Gina?

I have not been able to find it on the WEB.



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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Cris Mojica
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hey man!

how gows it! pretty funky site i should say!

my layla is still in the box. i got it at turramurra (australia). frankly, we are setting up a recording studio to compete with the overflowing protools, seidi, fairlight users in my country! i still have not patched or tried the stuff yet, but will surely let you know---maybe you can help us just in case...

nice to know that there are a few living specie like you still around this earthly globe.

thanks for the bit of knowledge.

take care of the world around you--its the only one we have.


Meta4 audio recording

manila, Philippines

tel. 632-750-5075

fax. 632-750-5072

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Juan francisco rojas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

quiero comprar una tarjeta DARLA

por que puedo hacer???...

mi telefono es 7636657 (guatemala)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: nathan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

TrevorB, ....

About your Gina not being able to play .mid files.

...You could try a softsynth, like a roland

virtual soundcanvas and I think yamaha might make

one. They are like GM synths, but software emulated. ...

Hope that helps :)

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Ben Mullins
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I bought a Gina this summer and loved it until about 6 weeks ago. The left input stopped working completely. I have inserted and removed cables no more than 10 times since I bought it, and the input completely died! I sent the breakout box to Event, and it has been sitting there for a month while they wait for more boxes to show up. The guys on the phone were real cool, but I have been without recording for Over a month because of shotty manufacturing and bad inventory. I thought I paid $$$$ for this thing!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: adeptus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 28-May-99

Well after much research on the web and in the music stores I finally decided on the budget minded Event Darla forgoing the brakoutbox and midi connections of gina and layla. I know its not the best card,but for the budget minded consumer its quite a deal, i got mine on the web at around 200$ us.(check out Zzounds) Once you get your updated drivers and IRQ conflicts resolved it gives extremely good results,very clean digital audio and is ready to go with cool edit pro; but i find this combination does occasionally crash my system. I would think that no pc soundcard and its drivers are 100% guaranteed not to cause a system failure or lockup evry once in a while,dep. on your computer .. the more you add software and hardware to your system the more prone to problems..IMHO. The only other weak feature is the darla mixer, it should be customizable this being said darla is presently one of the best supported and tested cards it even has support for dsp built but not yet implemented.

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: josiah
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Jul-99

good happy card
get card be very happy
make clean loud sound

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: JD
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Jan-00

Using a Darla. Nice. However anyone found that the A/D input is not that flash? Seems to lose the 'stereoness' of the music and make my flash mix sound, well, not so flash after its been recorded onto hard-drive... and BTW - what the hell's up with the onboard processor? Is there any word on when/if it's gonna be implemented or what?!

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: morr
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Jan-03

how can run darla on window xp?

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: Joe Pires
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-May-09

I own a GINA sound card that i used to run on windows 98, now could you please tell me if this sound card is compatible with windows vista 64 bit

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Product:  Event - DARLA, GINA, LAYLA
Name: domenico
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Apr-10

Sono italiano di Napoli. Ho una vecchia sceda audio gina 2 input 8 output, vorrei poterla riusare ma non ho i drive. Potreste gentilmente dirmi come devo fare?

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