Cool-Edit Pro.... an excellent cheap & versatile editor you can use... For FREE !!... check it out...
Here's a cool programme for editing and applying FX etc to your audio files....Cool edit, comes as a sort of shareware....basically, the programme will run load & save , but unless you register, each time the programme is opened you must select 2 choices from an available list of permissable uses.....So in effect, you can select one function you wish to perform, as well as the save function, and it is possible to use the demo to apply FX or edit your audio and then save it.....Obviously for each process you want to apply, you will have to close & re-open the programme to select the next function you want to use.....

I think this is a real good idea, cos you can really try the programme and use it after which registration is very cheap......

There are 2 different registration prices.......

  • FULL..... Which allows all functions
  • LITE...... Which allows basic features but disables some of the FX stuff like timestretch etc

When opening the demo, these are the choices from which you can select 2 to be functional:

  • Save, External Clipboard Functionality, & DTMF (telephone) Tones
  • CD player controls
  • Stretch, PCM Music Generator & DTFM
  • Filter & Noise Reduction
  • Amplify, Envelope, Channel mixer, & Normalise
  • Flanger, Delay & Compressor
  • Echo, Echo Chamber & Reverb
  • Distortion, Quick Filter & Reverse

The programme seems pretty good...and when you consider the prices ($50 & $25)....Then for functions like timestretch, Reverb and all the other editing facilities well it's pretty amazing really.....Cool Edit has some very interesting features....

Apart from the basic editing commands there are FX and Processing commands listed in the functions above....So you've got all your time & pitch stuff, reverb, delay fx, compression etc etc etc......But Cool Edit also does batch processing, where it will apply a given Effect or Process to a selected bunch of audio files.......But Cool Edit has a very interesting feature attatched to this called SCRIPTS....

From what I can make out, you can create a script file which lists a whole bunch of specific processing settings....these can be saved and opened for use without having to actually save the audio wav file....So...taking one of the example scripts, a Space film type Laser gun sound.......all the settings for the Wave generation, Filters, delay, envelope etc are all stored as a tiny script file.....when you run a script, it opens all the necessary dialog boxes, and sets the levels & parameters to run all the stages of the wave generation........

So....You can create a wicked FX, or favourite sound generating setting and save it as a any time you need that sound, just Run the script file, and .....Hey Presto...The sound is created......These scripts can also be exported to other users who can apply them to audio in their own machine....Good idea huh?!

Cool edit also makes wicked Telephone dial sounds, where you can select the dial sequence well as a variety of other tones & noises....All in all a VERY versatile programme for a piddling amount of money !!!

Cool edit also has a nice CD controller that will open if you want it along the bottom of the window with a special toolbar....Nice touch if you're doing stuff from CD.....

Tell you what....Either download the older smaller Version 1.50 from here, or go to the Syntrillion website to download the newer versions.....The new Cool Edit 6 apparently works with Cakewalk to become a dedicated wave editor & Effector without having to exit Cakewalk...Sounds excellent if you have the older pre-version 6 Cakewalk Pro Audio, which has Eq & a few other functions, but no FX etc........

Since I wrote this, Cool-Edit now comes with a 24 track multitrack section I do believe kiddies !!.... so check it out !!...

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Total Stars: 77
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Added: 29 December 1998
New price: Full : $50 ......... Lite : $ 25
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Orgasmic! Love it love it love it! Can twist samples like nothing else (at this price at least) and will soon be out as a

multi-track sequencer. Great interface, very controlable (..) and such a bargain at that price! 10/5



I've been using Cool Edit since version 1 and it really is the mutt's nuts. I've never seen such a feature-packed

piece of digital audio software. Now we're just waiting for Cool Edit Pro, set for release in mid-June, which adds 64

stereo tracks to it's arsenal. Having seen a "sneak preview" of the Pro version, all I can say is this; forget your

SAWs and Sound Forges, in fact you can forget Pro Tools!!! :-) Marks out of five? At least 6! . . . A storm is coming

and it's name is COOL EDIT!



Cool Edit has been my choice for several years now. It's ease of operation is fantastic and the effects are great. I

do a lot of very long mixes and the program's time compression allows me to achieve this perfectly.



Cool Edit 96 and SAW plus is all I really need for techno and dance tracks. I use it for reverb and editing. The

SAW plus reverb plug in is $300! Crazy! This does it for much less or none at all if you have the code cracker!

ann mary joseph


I'm so happy to know that somebody actually thought

of the greatest software ever!

this will help me a lot in my mixes!

Thanks alot!!!!!!!!



awsome app. great features. one problem. recording from cassette

tape i get popping and cracking?

otherwise love the program. help?

Angel Kato


to create multi source file

ann mary joseph


I'm so happy to know that somebody actually thought

of the greatest software ever!

this will help me a lot in my mixes! Thanks alot!!!!!!!!

Gary Smith


I used C.E 96 for a year, loved it and just upgraded to Cool Edit Pro. It's a wonderful program and as easy to use as something this competent can be.


Jeff Glover


What else is there?

And goto my page:




Ioan stefan Cristian


I work in a radio studio and i can say is a proffesional

audio software, but not totally proffesional!

In present i "use" a new (Demo) version(Pro)and

other audio proffesional software .

Send me (please) the final (totally) version of Cool MultiTrack

and i'll be your slave for life.

Gerry Prost


I think 'Cool Edit' is more than an introdution to

computerized audio editing, it's a powerful tool

for all kinds of applications.

This cat who knows


Ive been using cool edit

Filters suck.

shit,all i use it to do is Loop shit

fuck the other bull shit.

im bout to get some real equipment




awsome app. great features. one problem. recording from cassette

tape i get popping and cracking?

otherwise love the program. help?



Weblink: link


Spencer Planton


I have been using Cool Edit pro for some time. I first used Cool Edit 96 (as it was then) in my greener days. It was awe inspiring at the time, but as I say I was green! Looking back now it isn't that great, but then what else was around at the time?
Cool Edit Pro 1.0 and 1.1 were very good and include multitrack facilities. They tended to suffer (especially on NT platforms) from exception error when closing or being used with other products. Version 1.2 seems bullet proof!
There seem to be no real issues with sound card compatability etc.
I would have to recommend that anyone wishing to manipulate WAV files take a look at this bit of kit. Put it this way:- I paid the full £200+ for the full version I was so impressed!

Last added comment

Spencer Planton


Any of you guys getting popping etc, try saving your file without additional non-audio information. I found it worked a treat with earlier versions ( the 1.2 version does not appear to suffer with this problem)

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