it's not there Steinberg CLEAN Plus 5.0

Steinberg CLEAN Plus 5.0

STEINBERG CLEAN Plus 5.0 Restoration & CD burning software plus USB phono preamp Music withour crackle or hiss LPs, MCs, CDs & MP3s onto CD in sonic perfection High-quality real-time effects & surround sound Wizard for restoration and optimisation of you sound Includes top-quality USB phono preamp plus connection cables
STEINBERG CLEAN Plus 5.0 Restoration & CD burning software plus USB phono preamp Music withour crackle or hiss LPs, MCs, CDs & MP3s onto CD in sonic perfection High-quality real-time effects & surround sound Wizard for restoration and optimisation of you sound Includes top-quality USB phono preamp plus connection cables

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Added: 26 January 2004
New price: 63.12 UKP - 89.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  Steinberg


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risto novevski


Hi can you tell me how can I use audio track recording in nuendo .
I'm using 01v96 digital mixer (8 in adat, 8 out adat ) connected to rme hdsp 9652.
What is the settings in nuendo (vst connectio - buses creating), and how to connect to total mix on hdsp 9652

I created 8 mono in buses nad 8 out buses in nuendo, that is ok or not ?

I need to assigne audio 1 to in mono 1 bus(adat in 1) , out mono 1 (adat out1) ?

And how can I use my 01v96 like internal fx plugin in nuendo , what is vst connection in nuendo ?
Please tell me

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