it's not there AnalogX DXMan

AnalogX DXMan

DXMan allows you to add or remove plugin registrations on a whim... Find out almost any piece of information related to a plugin, from it's Class ID, to it's input and output pins, to it's filename and path, even it's properties page!
Are you a power DirectX Audio user, or do you just want to have a better grasp of where all those plugins are going? Frustrated with plugins still showing up in all your programs, even though you deleted them ages ago? Then AnalogX DXMan is for you!

DXMan allows you to add or remove plugin registrations on a whim... Find out almost any piece of information related to a plugin, from it's Class ID, to it's input and output pins, to it's filename and path, even it's properties page!

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Added: 17 June 2004
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  AnalogX


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