it's not there Smart Electronix Ambience

Smart Electronix Ambience

super free reverb plugin for Windows VST, Mac OS X AU, Mac OS X VST & Mac OS 9 VST.
Nice free reverb plugin from Magnus in the SmartElectronix stable. One feature is a 'quality' control to use less/more CPU for higher or lower quality. The plugin alo features lo & hi filters & a lo & hi X-Over frequency & accompanying time-multiply for each band, and more. Great verb, try it, it's free!

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Currently: 87%
Total Stars: 13
Total Votes: 3


Added: 8 February 2005
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Smart Electronix


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Well.. it isn't eazy to download when there isn't a download^^

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Weblink: link

there is if you go to the SMART ELECTRONIX site via the link :)

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