it's not there FMR Audio RNLA 7239

FMR Audio RNLA 7239

FMR Audio RNLA 7239 'Really Nice Levelling Amplifier'.
FMR Audio RNLA 7239 'Really Nice Levelling Amplifier' - 2 channel compressor (stereo/mono) with a character that works well with vocals, bass guitar, acoustic guitars and two-mix sources. Frequency response: 10-10,000Hz, clip point: +22.5dBu @ 3% THD, distortion: less than 0.1%, 6.0 millisecond attack, 0.5 second release, threshold range: -40dBu to +20dBu, ratio range: 1:1 to 25:1, attack range: 0.2 millisecond to 200msec for 100% correction with <15dB over threshold input signal, release range: 0.05 sec to 5.0 sec for 100% recovery with 15dB gain reduction. Output trim range: 15dB.

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Added: 14 December 2007
New price: 235.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  FMR Audio


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