it's not there Yamaha S 80

Yamaha S 80

YAMAHA S80 Performance Synthesizer and Masterkeyboardcontroller, 16 MB Wave ROM from EX5-Basissamples plus extra 4MB Piano/Chor/Organ Waves, 64 Voices (extensionable with PlugIn Boards), 2 PlugIn Slots, 19-multiple Multimodem, 4Multi-Effektprozessors, 4 Z
YAMAHA S80 Performance Synthesizer and Masterkeyboardcontroller, 16 MB Wave ROM from EX5-Basissamples plus extra 4MB Piano/Chor/Organ Waves, 64 Voices (extensionable with PlugIn Boards), 2 PlugIn Slots, 19-multiple Multimodem, 4Multi-Effektprozessors, 4 Z

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Added: 9 March 2002
New price: to be added
S/H price: ?
Company:  Yamaha UK


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Eric Rothoff


S 80 , for me a perfect synth.
The only thing which i find very strange about this instrument is that the keyboard is not pefectly horizontal but has a strange angle of approx 10 degrees.
Does anyone know the reason for this ?

Many thanks for reply

Last added comment



10 deg angle so you play with perfect "straight forearm and wrist" like the books say!

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