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Subject: gettin new monitors

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Original Message 1/27             02-Dec-03  @  07:42 AM   -   gettin new monitors



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I'm gonna get a new pair of monitors... a bit of input from you guys could help my decision.
I'm looking for a well rounder pair with a nice flat sound. A smooth bass response with
value would be a big plus. My current monitors lack in the low end.

so here are my choices:

Alesis Monitor One mkII

Studiophile BX-5

I'm on a small budget so say a pair under $ 400.00 is about as high as I'll go. So, tell me
whatcha think. thanks.

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Message 2/27             02-Dec-03  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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Sell your current monitors and get Mackies  

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Message 3/27             02-Dec-03  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors

Broken Silence

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I got Alesis Monitor One mkII's this summer and love them. They're great for the price.

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Message 4/27             02-Dec-03  @  05:51 PM     Edit: 02-Dec-03  |  05:52 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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alesis m1 mk2 actives - defo

at the price you just cant go wrong- ive just ordered a set of mackie hr824's to sit beside them, i got the m1's as an inbetween till i could afford the hr's and they wont be going anywhere when my new ones arrive. Great clear flat sound, and will make superb back-ups shoul;d you decide to upgrade in future


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Message 5/27             02-Dec-03  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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save up a little and get the BX8. better bass response, and actually are quite useable


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Message 6/27             02-Dec-03  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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Genelec 1029A's nuff said

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Message 7/27             02-Dec-03  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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sides 1029s are not enough for dance music...unless you throw a sub in there

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Message 8/27             03-Dec-03  @  05:21 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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I have the Alesis too ... A tad weak in the low end.... especially if you have a home studio (like I do) with dodgy acoustics, but affordable, solid performance, yes.

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Message 9/27             03-Dec-03  @  06:06 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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BX8 is $479 at sweetwater

I can get it closer to $450 through a friends shop.

I heard them the other day and was thoroughly impressed

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Message 10/27             03-Dec-03  @  07:27 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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yeah I heard em the other day too and was truly impressed....they were out of my price
range though...bx5 seemed more approachable... 8" cone is pretty big. But I'd seriously
consider the bx8 at $ 450. hmmm... The studiophiles definitley have a nice low end, so I
might be ending up with the bx5. My current TOA me-280 boxes are pretty damn flat and
are still usable. I would take the Alesis hands down but I'm reading not-so-good reviews on
the low end; especially me being an em. low end is something I've been missing in my

no Mackies to consider here. did not like em...too much bass to do anything methinks.

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Message 11/27             03-Dec-03  @  09:34 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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the mackies are one of the most highly adjustable speakers said you can spend $400, that means $450 wont kill you.

get the BX8s. gonna have far better bass than BX5s!

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Message 12/27             03-Dec-03  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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The Alesis M1 Active mkII weak on low end?!?! Are you on crack? If anything these babys have TOO much low end! They sound pretty nice to me though! The bass is one of the best parts about them. Since i'm using mine next to a wall, I actually decided to plug one of the bass holes (as recomended by the manual if they are less than a foot from the wall) to tame the bass a bit. Even with one of the bass holes plugged they STILL have a good amount of bass! These speakers seem pretty flat, and definitley seem good for the money! I've heard people say that their mixes translate very well using them. Only negative thing i can think of is that high end might be able to use a little bit more sparkle. But these are still very good speakers for the money! I got mine for $350 at Guitar Center (I had to talk the guy down).


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Message 13/27             03-Dec-03  @  05:27 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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if they "have a lot of bass" as you say, then theyre not "flat"

but its pretty well known that the M1s dont carry a lot of low end. no 6" driver can.

if youre hearing a lot you might want to check for standing waves in your room

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Message 14/27             03-Dec-03  @  10:47 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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I'm with Influx, GET THE Bx8's

I have a friend who got them for $

They sound awesome, great little monitors.

I have Tr6's and they sound very flat but they don't reresent bass well, as Influx says, no 6" really can. You'll need a sub if you go that small with electronic music!


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Message 15/27             03-Dec-03  @  11:21 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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well I got a new pair today... but first I went through most of the speakers at Guitar Center and did a comparison.

CD's tested: Incubus, Tool, and Jay-Z. Thats all I had at the time, it worked out fine.

first: M-Audio bx8 - The top end was way too beamy and hard on the ears. I found it to be a bit harsh and unpleasant when monitoring close-up. But, the overall sound was great. very flat. bass response was tight...right in the middle. not to much, not to little. midrange was a little hyped but not much. i could see these getting a lot of respect soon. they sounded excellent at a far distance and LOUD!

KRK v6 - this was my favorite. not too much high end, the instruments stood out and the bass was just about right. These would be the best pick for any type of music. But, the sound wasnt like any of the speakers I used. warm and very defined. I was happy with em

Event TR - nice flat sound but midrangey. I didn't like that the mid range stood out too much. one listen and I was done.

Alesis M1 - very flat heh heh, the bass stood out on these. must be the box shape...the low end was warm and a bit boxy but I found these to be a great inbetween pair for a further bigger purchase. The highs and midrange were perfect but not totally defined, more diffused.

well, I bought the M1's. I brought the sales guy down to $ 150.00! amazing price and I'm pretty happy. I have yet to put em in my room but I think they will be a good a/b between my old monitors which are midrangey and beamy. I couldnt consider room acoustics so I went with what I've learned with my ears. Someday I'll buy a better pair if needed :-)

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Message 16/27             03-Dec-03  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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the M1s...not active right? you have a solid amp already?

if you got actives for $150 you fuckin scored!

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Message 17/27             03-Dec-03  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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actually not hijacking here, but thats a point- alesis used to make a S1 active sub to partner the active M1's which has totally dissapeared from the market, wonder whats thats about....

Anyhow, sub or no sub, 6 inch or not - those puppies are fookin value any day of the week. What you hear is whats going on from the mixes ive played on club rigs after mixing on them. I never heard bx8s, but the recommendations ^^^ will carry weight no doubt. I spose when you get to the levels of analysizing +400$ studio monitoring half the battle is having them in a proper listening environment an all that....

I got them MackieHr824's to pick up on friday and im redoing the studio from scratch around them in January - Whole new bigger (still to be) treated room, the full lot - *shitting* it encase it dont work out

Good luck with ya selection


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Message 18/27             03-Dec-03  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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woah, u guys posted same time

150$ - well done !


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Message 19/27             04-Dec-03  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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no, passive... I dont have a solid amp yet. It's a sony that gets the job done but I'm gonna go after a hafler amp sooner or later.

Just got back from setting it all up and I'm truly impressed. The bass carries. The highs may be a little high but it sounds flat and crisp. fecking nice stuff. I put some music on and I could hear the acosutical differences between say rock and rap and techno. one sounds real, the other sounds artificial...never heard like this before. My old boxes are toooo midrangey and hide the music.

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Message 20/27             04-Dec-03  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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Studiophile BX8? i've heard they're like regular cheap monitors, you pay what you get for (Cheap = shit)..
But it seems like it's reputation isn't THAT bad here on Dancetech.
Then what do you folks think about Behringer's "Truth"??? - same size and price as BX8..

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Message 21/27             04-Dec-03  @  03:13 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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and have a not nearly as attractive rep.

you dont have to spend lots of money to learn how to mix, tho. cheap does not always = shit

and nor does expensive always equal good!

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Message 22/27             04-Dec-03  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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tru tru, lots of money doesnt always mean better. trust your ears is all I can say. the bx8
sounds good - what does it matter? unkown rep is prolly the reason. When the guy told
me about them I was like, M-AUDIO? heh heh, they have no history.

The truth monitors are actually supposely from what I read in the class with the alesis and
the events. Never heard em but they must be good enough to be grouped with the bigger

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Message 23/27             04-Dec-03  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors

Yonce N Mild

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Speaking of amps any recomendations ? I'm using an old sony too. I have a pair of passive Event 20/20s. I got em for 130 bucks my buddy had em in his studio and accidentally knocked one of em over....busted the magnet off the sub. So he ran right out and bought another pair. Sold em to me for 50 bucks, I bought a new sub for 80.............sweet I love em. Anyway any CHEAP amp recomendations ??????

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Message 24/27             04-Dec-03  @  06:04 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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second hand samson servo range? (170's mebbe?)


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Message 25/27             04-Dec-03  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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The reason that I suggested selling a set and getting a higher-end set of monitors is that I think that since you already have 2 lower-end monitors, a 3rd set wouldn't do you as much good. Why not just get a couple types of regular stereo speakers if you want to reference to other speakers?

If you're looking for an improvement in your monitoring situation I think you have to improve your budget, which you could do by selling one or both of your current sets.


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Message 26/27             04-Dec-03  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: gettin new monitors



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nah. in my current situation I tend to keep the items I buy b/c I always go back to them. If I did buy an expensive pair I'd still keep my originals. If selling expands the budget, ok then...but I'm not some big time creator who needs the absolute best.

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Message 27/27             06-Dec-03  @  06:27 AM   -   RE: gettin new monitors


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Get the BX5s. M-Audio's old SP5Bs got phenomal reviews for the $$$, then replaced them
with BX5s. Later they released the BX8s which have more bass response, but are less
accurate in my opinion. I work as a salesman for a major U.S. pro-audio chain so I A/B
these guys for custies on a weekly basis. Grab the BX5s or Event TR5Ns (both $300 a
pair), best bang for the buck.

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