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Subject: Kenton 5 socket

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Original Message 1/16             17-Jul-01  @  11:10 AM   -   Kenton 5 socket for TB


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Anybody have this mounted and can convince me to order?


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Message 2/16             21-Jul-01  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket



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I've got the 5 socket retrofit - it's definitely worth it - although you need to remember how the 303 sequencer works to program the portamento/accent on the computer/ Cubase/ whatever. Don't forget you also need to get a Kenton Pro 2/2000 to enable full control - these are about £200 new and £50/£100 second hand - still hikes the £££ up though!
It simply allows more flexibility and an easier (more predictable) way of programming your B-lines....

Hope that's of use.


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Message 3/16             24-Jul-01  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket


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Much so, thanks!


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Message 4/16             31-Jul-01  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket

don't bother


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Personally I cannot see the point of wanting to sequence a 303 by an external sequencer, most ppl seem to agree that the 303 makes a pretty lame monosynth when not used with its internal sequencer as the "gimmick" circuit is not brought into operation when sequenced externally. Save your money and buy a FAT FB383, it will give you the same result without ruining your 20 year old 303 and cost less.

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Message 5/16             01-Aug-01  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket


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Hi Sienna, i was wondering if you could give me
some advice as ive just got a Kenton 5 socket kit
fitted to my 303,but i cant get the Slide to work.
The Filter and Accent work ok through my Kenton
Pro 2 and Cubase on my Mac,but the Slide does
I was expecting it to be able to give me a
long,continuious note if all the midi note were
joined together,at the same pitch,as it does in
its own seqencer,but i cant get it to work.

Have you been able to get this function to work
,and if so,how do you do it ?

To, Dont Bother, What exactly is a Fat FB 383 ?

Thanks for any help on these highly important
Cheers Redmoo

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Message 6/16             01-Aug-01  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket


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Hey Maarten,

I won't put the kenton kit on your 303 if I were you. I've always used a TeeBee and programming it the way that it sounds just like a 303 Bassline is pretty difficult (programming accents and slides in cubase sucks big time).
I just bought a real 303 couple of weeks ago (from the music house. Fixed my 606 and traded it with some cash) and programming this machine is just so much more fun than drawing notes in the cubase painoroll!!!

I would buy a secondhand TeeBee if I were you: Midi sequencing (including controllers) and almost the same sound as the 303.

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Message 7/16             01-Aug-01  @  06:48 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket

don't bother


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Red moon, a FB383 is a cheap midi 303 clone, to make it slide just overlap a note to make it accent hit it with a velocity over 120, it has a reasonable emulation of the "gimmick" circuit too.
You wont get the Kentoned TB303 to sound like it does with its internal sequencer, it will just sound like predictable preproggramed poop. The 303 loses 95% of its sound\appeal when not using its own sequencer.

OnAcid, totally 100% agree. Also I reckon it will de-value it as well, prolly the only mod that won't de-value it is the Devilfish.

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Message 8/16             02-Aug-01  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket


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Hi guys,
Im no expert,but i think it deppeneds on how you
are using the TB 303,to how different it will
sound after the Kenton job. I have noticed it
sounds slightly different,(but not much,say 20-30
%) when straight notes are being played,but you
can acctually get more filter bandwidth,because
you now have two filters,1 on the 303 and 1 on
Cubase,which seems to vary depending on what
controller number its on,ie,0-127.
Also the Accent also works in a similar same way.

It only seems to be that dam Slide that doesent
work,(for me anyway ),in playing a long continuios
note,but it will sort of slide into each other if
you overlap the notes on Cubase,(but this has
nothing to do with the Slide socket fitted by
Kenton ?)

So maybe this is its weakness if you arent just
playing straight notes,but are wanting that
classic acid 303 ,joining,looping sound.

But all that said and done,i dont see how someone
can have fun programing the TB 303's own seqencer.
Once youve realised that the Roland manual was
writen by a 5 year old,in broken English,with most
of the paragraphs in the wrong order,you find out
that accually programing it is just as
difficult,and TIME CONSUMING,not to mention that
when you press to enter a note it doesent always

I suppose it might be ok if you have loads of
free time on your hands,and/or your trying to get
new creative sounds,but if you know what you want
roughly,it is a major pain.
The reason im saying this is becaue i spent
almost one whole week,laying down about 5 or 6
tracks in a song with i could have on done in midi
in a couple of hours. Every time i had programmed
one track into the 303,i had to record over it in
the 303 seqencer,as it only can hold so much data.

All in all,i think i will end up using both
methods,but im diffenetly glad that i can midi it
up,and still keep a fair amount of that 303 magic.

Also i heard quite a few demos of the devilFish
mod the other night,and i hated the sound it was
making. It was sqelching and sqealling,in a way
that didnt sound anything like the pure 303. I
also thought the Borg mod did much the same.
After hearing those demos,there is no way i would
do that to my babe. At least the Kenton hasent
done much to alter its orriginal being.
In all fairness though,maybe the demos werent good
ones,and i may change my mind if i had one to play
with for a while,but at the moment,no way.

Anyway,thats how i personaly feel about things at
the moment,but may change as time goes on.One
things for sure though,a real TB 303 is special.

PS,if anybody can give me some info on my Slide
issue,i w

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Message 9/16             02-Aug-01  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket

don't bother


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Ha hahahah you very funny guy mister! The WHOLE point of the 303's sequencer is that you don't learn how to get it to play what you are thinking of. Instead you hit the notes you want, randomly enter accents, slides and timing (which takes about 30 seconds tops) if u like it you use it if not start again. If you bought a 303 to actually sequence a whole song you kinda missed the point, just create one hypnotic pattern and tweak man, MIDI, whats that? Get a syntechno teebee or whatever if you want that vibe. Go to and read the page on programming it, piss easy mate. If the note input is erratic then you need to fit new switches these are cheap and easy to find and easy to fit.
You dont have two filters BTW just that the socket bypasses the cutoff knob and has a wider range, this is an easy mod to do, as is extending the range of most of the knobs, also the cap swap for bass enhancment is well worth doing.

Happy tweakin'

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Message 10/16             02-Aug-01  @  08:31 PM   -   RE: Kenton 5 socket

boris badenuff


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This is not an instrument which benefit you
to sit down and read the manual thoroughly right the way through. For a start, the manual runs to 90 pages, and weighs almost as much as the 303
itself; and, more important, the more you know about it the more you spend hours ending up with the sort of thing you could do in two minutes with a software MIDI sequencer. Far better to jam the programming - entrering random Accent and Slide hits after finishing the basic notes - and see what you get. If it works, use it. If it doesn't, just go again.

Source "The A-Z of Analogue Synthesisers" written by Peter Forrest

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