aaa G4 450 AGP,firmware 4.2.8 M-audio.. - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: G4 450 AGP,firmware 4.2.8 M-audio..

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Original Message 1/1             07-Aug-02  @  08:38 AM   -   G4 450 AGP,firmware 4.2.8 M-audio..


Posts: 28

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Do not get an M-audio PCI card if you have this
config.My machine started giving me a No
Hardware installed message as soon as i
updated the firmware in my G4.Delta DIO
2496.Not to mention M-audio was less than
helpful and ended up blowing me off when
they couldn't or won't resolve this issue.I
switched to the Emagic EMI 2/6 for S/PDIF
from my Finalizer to Spark 2.5 and it works like
a dream in OS X.My only bitch is I lost 88.2khz
support but i do have 96,48,and 44.1.I only
use the puter for Spark and Final Cut Pro so i
can't vouch for the EMI w/ sequencer/audio
programz(hardware here).Don't know about
it's ASIO performance either cause i'm using
the OS X audio core firware loader.Also
couldn't tell you about the onboard A/D and
D/A as i'm using the Finalizer 96k for A/D and
D/A Other than surfing i've finally done away w/
classic OS.Yeah!I'm about to drop AOL and
classic OS for good.

Midiman puts you on hold for a week and
are the biggest asses i've ever had the
displeasure of getting tech from.Well Apple
aint too swift w/ that buy more support
scheme.Thank goodness i've never needed
their help.

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