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Subject: hows this for an interface

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Original Message 1/10             09-Nov-02  @  11:56 PM     Edit: 10-Nov-02  |  12:00 AM   -   hows this for an interface


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check it out- Presonus Firestation. 8 analog i/o, 8 adat i/o, wordcock, spdif, plus 2 mic/inst pre´s with variable tube stage. firewire i/o connection for recording and a line mixer for monitoring.

seems pretty cool and simple. one cable connection to your mac/pc, and the mixer section for making your own monitor mix independant of recording path. me like.


better pics

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Message 2/10             10-Nov-02  @  12:05 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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if it only had british eq! you said wordcock. shouldn't that be woodcock?

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Message 3/10             10-Nov-02  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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haha lol°! good one, i wont even edit it out.

but it seems cool no? the only potential downside i can think of is that there´s no gain on line ins except one and two. otherwise seems like a tight little product. also works as a standalone ad/da converter box. nice huh? any objections?

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Message 4/10             10-Nov-02  @  12:55 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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just the presonus preamps, convenient I suppose but not what I'd choose if I was choosing a pre

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Message 5/10             10-Nov-02  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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but if you were choosing a compact 8 i/o solution for your pc?

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Message 6/10             10-Nov-02  @  10:55 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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looks well tasty tho! - hmmmm!

it seems to have gain 'level' tho for all the inputs if you look at the diagram images.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/10             10-Nov-02  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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ah! actually, its in the maunal: there are mini screws on TOP of the rack for adjusting pre adc line level gain! not bad. probly one of the best spec'd interfaces out there in its price range.

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Message 8/10             11-Nov-02  @  02:15 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface



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no 96k? not that it is needed, but strange to see manufacturers making products that don't support it. I'd rather have a unit that does 24/48 well, then one that simply supports 96k when none of us are using that sample rate.

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Message 9/10             11-Nov-02  @  08:17 AM   -   RE: hows this for an interface


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Looks cool. If they'll come out w/ OS X drivers
for the mac it looks like a good solution.

H- to be forced by all these "pro" companies to
regress OS is weird IMHO

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Message 10/10             13-Nov-02  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: hows this for an interface



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I think the the StAudio DSP3000 looks like a better choice. I'll be demoing one as soon as they hit the stores.

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