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Subject: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style

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Original Message 1/15             02-Nov-02  @  06:34 PM   -   Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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Try not to fall out of your chair on this one.Are
cases motherboard specific or will the
mystery case that I have inherited work w/

If not how do I tell?

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Message 2/15             03-Nov-02  @  12:07 AM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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Cases are motherboard specific, but only as far as ATX or pre-atx goes.

Ya dig?

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Message 3/15             03-Nov-02  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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yup. AT and ATX altho some ATX cases are still pretty small and might not fit some mobos.

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Message 4/15             03-Nov-02  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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Hmm,well should there be a part number or
some other way II can tell what I've got?

Great free case and I can't use it.Nice case

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Message 5/15             03-Nov-02  @  11:35 AM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style



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you can see what type it is by the size of the space for the mobbo - big is old, atx is smaller & has all the sockets & ports in one place so the space at the back of the case will have one large oblong gap (up towards the power supply from the pci screw-in vertical spaces) where the ports all stick out the back (mouse, screen, usb, oboard sound & joystick port, comm & printer)... the Old cases (pre-atx) doesnt have that single rear oblong hole - micro-atx is like atx with that oblong hole but the overall case inside space is smaller still - the case needs a 300 watt supply minimum to be of use for athlon chips.

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Message 6/15             03-Nov-02  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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It has the oblong slot w/ a plate w/ a bunch of
little slots.It has a 300 watt power supply w/ a
jack on it for the monitor.It arrived on my
neighbors porch about 4 months ago after
they moved.I saw his wife and she said I
could have it but she didn't know anything
about PCs.Neither do I.When you say big can
you say that in a number centimeters would
be ok since you don't do inches.

H - It would be cool to save the $50 or so on
the case.If I posted a picture could you tell or
has my description of it done the trick.It's pretty
big( I would say mid-tower)

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Message 7/15             03-Nov-02  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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Id bet its ATX...the old ATs were pre-300w power supplies. thats a newer thing.

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Message 8/15             03-Nov-02  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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Cool,Ok so i've got a Western Digital 40G
7200 ATA100 drive.Is the sonnet card the way
to go for that?Or will the mobo have the

H- piece by piece i'll switch

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Message 9/15             03-Nov-02  @  11:07 PM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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the MB will prolly have a controller, if you're talking about hard drive controllers (is that what the 'sonnet card' is?)

You can tell if it's an ATX case by the power switch. If the cable running off it runs to little jumper-looking connectors, it connects to the MB and it's ATX (ATX boards turn on the power supply through the MB, old AT-style switches run the power switch right to the PS). I'm guessing, unless it's ancient, it's ATX.

If it has 2-3 5-1/4inch bays and 1-2 3-1/2inch bays it's a midtower. More and it's a full tower. Less and it's a mini tower. I'm sure if it's an ATX it'll fit almost any board you buy nowadays unless the case is micro slim whatever.


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Message 10/15             04-Nov-02  @  12:30 AM   -   RE: Super dumb PC ? ala Macidiot style


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After looking at motherboards all day I figure it
is ATX and I see they already come w/ the right
IDE driver.It's definitely not slimline.Ok so
where's a great place to get parts online?I'm
ready to start collecting.

H- If it sux I can always sell it.I hope I like it
cause macs and the lack of available software
pisses me off.It's just that they beat anything
for video editing.

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