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Subject: Problem with my card drivers?

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Original Message 1/13             30-Oct-02  @  10:09 AM   -   Problem with my card drivers?

Steve Webster


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I have 2 delta 410's in my PC. I know there is a bug with the drivers and the fix is due out via the midiman website on friday.

Before I installed my AMT8 drivers for XP, yesterday, I used to be able to play LOgic for about 20 mins before there was any crackling and distortion.

It took me a while to insatll the AMT8 drivers last night but now there is a bit of a problem.

NOw Logic will only play for about 2 mins before there is distortion.

Do you think that I have mucked up the midiman drivers by installing the AMT8 drivers?

I have checked the device manager and there are no driver conflicts. Howvever, when I go to Device Manager and then the driver properties, it says that the digital signer for each card is "not digitally signed". I'm not sure if they were in the first place though.

Sorry, but I'm shit when it comes to PC techy stuff. Do you think I could have mucked up the card drivers by installing the AMT8 drivers?

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Message 2/13             30-Oct-02  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?



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that's nothing - (signed) but I thought this decaying into distortion was one of the known delta/win-XP bugs innit ??

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Message 3/13             31-Oct-02  @  09:50 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?

Steve Webster


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It is K. The thing is that I uninstalled the midi drivers for the AMT8 and the cards work longer (20mins) before it starts distorting. WIth the AMT8 midi drivers installed, the distortion starts after just 1 min. Wierd. Is there a bandwidth problem do you think?

I don't know if thats the correct term though. I'm not that wise in the ways of PC workings.

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Message 4/13             01-Nov-02  @  01:14 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?


Posts: 12353

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so what drivers u using in XP - the beta ones or older ones or what?.. have you installed service pack? - does any of this matter because it's fucked essentialy... i cant understand what midiman are playing at... why would xp be so hard... cant you rollback and run 98 drivers on xp?.. i wonder, i thought it could do that for older backwards compatibility - so what about runing an asio driver?.. has anyone even tried it or is it asio anyways (I assumed wdm)

i dunno, i'm using the cracked asio sblive driver with a cheap sblive on my xp partition... i have yet to setup the xp partition on the new box and try wdm with that (but dont have a spare audiophile sadly, that's in use in another box.)

the point is, i'm running an asio driver on the bslive in XP AND 98 boot - and for light loads (it's only an old p3) i get 8ms latency and it's a cracked driver of course, not proper.


1. is the driver issue with the delta's & xp a wdm thing (cant remember)

2. is that the driver U use & have you tried an asio driver.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/13             08-Nov-02  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?

Steve Webster


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Just some feedback. Loaded the new beta driver and at last, after 3 months, my delta 410's work properly. Hooray!!! Now I can get on!!!

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Message 6/13             10-Nov-02  @  10:58 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?


Posts: 12353

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so they've sorted it for that then it seems... wonder about the'multiple deltas' issue


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/13             11-Nov-02  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?


Posts: 28

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That's nothing my Delta DIO 2496 isn't even
visible to my G4 w/ the new G4 BIOS.Really
screwed.Now i'm using EMI 2/6 for digital I/O
and it doesn't support 88.2Khz only 96,48,and

H- MIDIMAN are all screwed up w/ their drivers

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Message 8/13             11-Nov-02  @  10:25 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?

Steve Webster


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No, that's what I mean K. I have multiple deltas (3) and the new BETA driver works lovely. Seriously, that was the first weekend in 3 and a half months that my PC has run without a problem. At last.

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Message 9/13             11-Nov-02  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?


Posts: 12353

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"multiple deltas" as in the 1010 ?? - or what?... i didn't think you could run multiple audiophile delta's can you? (never thought about it frankly... but it would seem illogical to use mutiple stereo cards when they sell 8x8 units in one box)

hang on... so you have multiples of the 410 ?... thats the new one right with multiple OUTS, but only stereo in (analog or s/pdif) ??


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/13             11-Nov-02  @  12:12 PM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?

Steve Webster


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Yea, I have 3 410's. That's right, 24 analogue outs. Yea, it has 2 ana ins. But I don't need anymore. I ain't never gonna be recording a drum kit in my pokey flat. Honestly, it has been 3 months of pure stress dealing with midiman. Glad its over. My plan to go completely soft but mixing down a mackie analogue desk with outboard valve compressors has definatley been the right decision. I now have the cutting edge of digital but the warmth of analogue. Here I come.

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Message 11/13             11-Nov-02  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?


Posts: 12353

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BUt... you still have this corrupted softsynth problem yes?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 12/13             11-Nov-02  @  04:04 PM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?

Steve Webster


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no. everything works super sweet. I also had a problem with the amt8 midi drivers but this new delta beta driver has solved that aswell. Never a problem with any soft synths.

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Message 13/13             11-Nov-02  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Problem with my card drivers?


Posts: 2890

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different steve, k.

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