aaa ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable? - Samplers & sampling forums
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Subject: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  02:07 PM   -   ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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Can anyone help me,new 2 scsi........thank's

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Message 11/21             07-Nov-02  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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oops. HD50 not 68 

sorry. funny thing is thats the same card i have

hey...piss off with the sarcasm, anyway. you coulda looked it up yourself!;)

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Message 12/21             07-Nov-02  @  07:40 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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heheh, true

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Message 13/21             08-Nov-02  @  06:07 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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Can I get an autograph GI Joe?

H- caught it from age.


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Message 14/21             10-Nov-02  @  10:51 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?



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smoke a fat one and chill baby,just having a laugh.....

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Message 15/21             10-Nov-02  @  11:24 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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I wasnt serious either...

the ";)" was sposed to indicate my lack of seriousness

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Message 16/21             13-Nov-02  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?



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hey guy's u wanna here something funny,
the last laugh is on me,i got the card, cracked my case open and found........i didn't have any spare pci slot' the moral of this story is don't smoke alot of weed....cause i remembered after i opened the case i used up the last slot on adding another soundcard....i need 2 upgrade anyway just sooner than i thought........see ya all geezer's

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Message 17/21             13-Nov-02  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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why two soundcard then?

anyway...good luck on the rest of it!

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Message 18/21             15-Nov-02  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?



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hi INFLUX,i got 2 soundcards cause my first one and if i'd known wouldn't have bought it was an 'emu APS'.i downloaded the latest driver's when i bought it about 3 or four year's ago and thats were it stopped, drivers 1.5 they abandoned the card and i got well and truly shafted.midi side and sampling side(making my own soundfont's n stuff) of the card suited my need's for the time being but the audio was shit so i bought a delta66 and fed the outputs of the APS to the inputs of the delta66, it gave me a good high quality audio input/ i bet your thinking if you bought a emu ESI4000 turbo zip why dont u just rip the APS out...simple answer i need, at this time the APS's midi in/out till i get just a simple midi input(pci card,dont like usb) and once again i'll be left i'm looking into some asus board's,they got up to 6 pci slots in some of theyre board's and build a pentium 4 system from the motherboard up...hope this make's sense...after a couple of spliff's it doe's to me C-YA

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Message 19/21             15-Nov-02  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


Posts: 2707

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They have USB SCSI devices these days. Look into one of those before you go about replacing your motherboard.

I just recommended someone not use them, because they're not that fast.. But that doesn't mean squat if it's the difference between having SCSI and not having it.

Look into it - cheaper and less hassle.


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Message 20/21             15-Nov-02  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?



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trust me my computers crap.........need new everything. it was out of date when i bought it new.cause i didnt have the knowledge, a big computer manufacturer in the uk ripped me off.alot of discontinuied hardware they probably had cheap........

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