aaa Beans on fucking toast, mate. - The lounge forums
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Subject: Beans on fucking toast, mate.

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Original Message 1/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:19 PM   -   Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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Perfect day. I've got the day off work, so I'm sat on the
couch and fucking around with Reason, drinking more
Tea than is good for everyone and awaiting lunch time.

I'm all excited because I found a tin of Heinz beans in
the cupboard last night, so I'm going to make beans on
toast for lunch. This might seem really sad, but I've not
had B on T for a year and I'm seriously craving it.

Why am I announcing it here? Who knows? Maybe
this thread is something to do with Studios and
comfort? Ok, yeah, that's it. How do you make yourself
comfy in your studio and what nourishment suits you?

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Message 2/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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studio food... mmmmmmmm

Mountain Dew! Taco's from the mexi-shak down the street. Mountain Dew! and um... a Bottled water dispenser in the corner.

... Lava lamps (2 so they're out of phaze), A big huge tie died muslin panel on one wall, A couple'a buddha Thangkas, and a big chink of Rock from the Black rock desert! And a nice COMFY chair (recently appropriated by the girlfriend for the desk in the house, damnit!)


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Message 3/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 4573

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"How do you make yourself comfy in your studio"


"what nourishment suits you"

see above


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Message 4/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 151

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beans and toast is THE meal to have on a day like that.

THe possibilities are endless.....

Beans on cheese on toast
Beans on cheese and worcester sauce on toast
chili beans (just add a bit of chili powder) and toast...

It goes on and on HEAVEN

reminds me of the time when I had cookery at school and we did cheese on toast as a snack.
(yes I was in the Fuck wit group due to my tendacy to have food fights!), anyways cheeese on toast as a snack! WTF! Its a meal in my house mate.. always has been and always will be!



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Message 5/77             11-Oct-02  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 2890

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beans on toast with just a touch of haldi, lovely.

don't really do food (it's for wimps) usually it's a couple of cobs from the corner shop. evening sessions require spliff, cold lager or chilled white wine.

it's friday, so i'll be having fish and chips from the sharoosh chip shop on the way home from the boozer! woo hoo!

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Message 6/77             11-Oct-02  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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I'm off to London in March next year. And judging by this thread, I'm packing FOOD!

Amazing how many smoke in the studio. It always slows us down, and kills the energy. Wine, or Scotch is really nice, especially for breakbeats... shrug.



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Message 7/77             11-Oct-02  @  06:42 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 4573

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Oh no, man... nothing like a cup of kona coffee and a carefully packed bowl to get me going in the morning. The only thing that's tricky about smoking in the studio is how you get sucked...into... your..... synths.....!


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Message 8/77             11-Oct-02  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 7627

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beans on toast?

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Message 9/77             11-Oct-02  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 6231

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something i've lost

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Message 10/77             11-Oct-02  @  09:17 PM     Edit: 11-Oct-02  |  09:17 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 12353

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beans on toast really hits the spot sometimes eh!... and it's quite healthy emergency food if you drain off the sugar infested juice.... and (sadly) it reminds me of a joke

there's this businessman and he is addicted to beans on toast ever since he was a boy, he loves it and despite the fact it gives him bad wind he can't stop eating them he loves beans on toast soooo much!....

He's out on the road one evening and stops to call his wife to tell her he'll be back at 8 o'clock and she says:

"remember it's your birthday, and i've got a surprise so you'd better not be late!"

he get's off the phone in the cafe and happens to see the menu... DOUBLE BEANS ON TOAST

he can't resist no matter how hard he fights it and knowing it might make him late getting home, he orders and wolfs down the double beans on toast and goes back to his car and sets off for home...

halfway home he starts to get REALLY terrible gut ache from the beans and starts farting really heavey wet farts, opening the car window etc, it's real bad wind!!...

he arrives home, lets off a few REALLY long wet heavey farts outside the door, gasps in relief, and walks in... His wife runs to meet him at the door, blocking his way, and says:

"Ok birthday boy, put on this blindfold for your surprise!"

So he puts it on, and he feels her lead him into the dining room and sit him down at the table...

Then she says:

"ok... I'm going to quickly put on some lippy & tidy up, you wait here and DONT LOOK!!!... You'd better NOT!!... or you'll spoil your surprise"

he hears her go out and sighs in relief cos another serious fart is busting painfully to get out and as soon as he hears her leave the room & the door closes he lets rip a massive looooong flapping wet one, REALLY fucking smelly too!...

He takes a sniff and it is REVOLTING!!!!... so he's wafting the air & gagging & coughing, and then he feels another one coming in a surge of pain and lets rip another really raucus wet one!!!... and again it reeks, & he wafts it like fuck to try to disperse the foul aroma before his wife returns....

After a few minutes he hears the wife returning downstairs and issues a few last frantic 'wafts' with his handkerchief, and sits straight as she enters the room...

She walks up behind him and says "You didn't look did you?" - "No no, no way!... i didnt look", he replies....

"Ok then" she says.... "surprise!!!!" - and pulls off the blindfold...

and there's 10 people sitting round the table for dinner.



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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