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Subject: sweetness and light

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Original Message 1/11             23-Oct-02  @  12:16 AM     Edit: 23-Oct-02  |  12:20 AM   -   sweetness and light


Posts: 2890

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OK you lot? ... titles for films and programs never made ...

My mate runs a viewers' hotline thing for a tv company and they have this guy phoning up on a regular basis asking if any of the following programs are being broadcast. Of course, none of them actually exist but a few of them should be made. My personal favourite after "City of the Calculators" (the guy's first suggestion, can't you see them all wiggling towards the screen? ee! ee! ee!) is "Six Legged Voltron".

City Of The Calculators

Golden Kin

Tinfoil Terra Nova

Plastic Boy

Alien Sleuth

Compaktor Disk

Nurse S4C

The Fall and Rise of Fearville

Yellow Warriors

Princess Jamie

Hi-Fi Boy

Yellow Lorries

Sea Planets

The Celtic Brochure Shop

Iron Woman, Iron Mother

Video Boy

Space Rat

Nadolig Boy (" a Celtic Science Ficition about an alien Superman")

Dragonthorn ("a Celtic Science Fiction called Dragonthorn")

Banc Girl ("with a 'c'")


Captain Science Fiction

Battleship Tomato

Puppet Savvanah


Six Legged Voltron

Lone Ranger Miniature Size


Inner Planets

The Adventures Of Heartbeat

Inner Castles

Celtic Health

Gold Calf ("the full length one")

Little Celtic Trains


Opal Planets

Green Cowboy

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Message 2/11             23-Oct-02  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: sweetness and light


Posts: 28

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Six legged Voltron.That program might exist
sooner than you think.

H- I love it

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Message 3/11             23-Oct-02  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: sweetness and light



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I agree, if they ever make a 'city of the
calculators', I want to watch it.

*slaps bedwyr around the face with a large

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Message 4/11             23-Oct-02  @  01:39 AM   -   RE: sweetness and light


Posts: 6231

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they get better as they go on. green cowboy.

little celtic trains passes starcat in the last furlong

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Message 5/11             23-Oct-02  @  10:18 AM   -   RE: sweetness and light


Posts: 5701

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look... iŽve been waiting for this film for ages,

and as of yet no one has had the guts to make it.

it is the action sci-fi meeting of giants youŽre been waiting all your life for!

ladies and gents, we present to you: E.T. vs PREDATOR!

(a very short action flick. if you blink you'll miss it)

do i have your vote now?  

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Message 6/11             23-Oct-02  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: sweetness and light



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The rings of Uranus are on fire.

a futuristic cop show. the action takes place in Uranus (duh!, sherlock). it's all about young coppers in love and greasy jalapeno doughnuts.

i saw a picture of a cow in a space suit, i want it, pretty please. it's not the one at the link. mine was standing. maybe it was part of the same exhib ? have you seen that exhib ? was there a catalogue made for it ? can you sell me one ?

what ?

cow forum ?

wtf ?


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Message 7/11             23-Oct-02  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: sweetness and light


Posts: 5701

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iŽll say it again: E.T. vs predator.

do you get me?

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Message 8/11             23-Oct-02  @  07:07 PM   -   RE: sweetness and light


Posts: 28

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ET vs predator,oh yeah I feel that.He'll have
predator phoning home that's for sure.


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Message 9/11             23-Oct-02  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: sweetness and light

Def Z


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You mean the original predator or predator II? The dude in predator II wasn't as cool as the original. I think E.T. would phone pred II's ass home.

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Message 10/11             23-Oct-02  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: sweetness and light


Posts: 6231

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old et will just hide amongst the toy bunnies and wait unitl that jamaican is getting all cool and then he'll shine his heart lite and there'll be a big finale with lots of singing chilrdern, sort of dub with chords on the offbes=at [o bugger]

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