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Subject: wos a wigger?????

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Original Message                 Date: 22-Oct-02  @  12:12 AM   -   wos a wigger?????



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Message 21/69             23-Oct-02  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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Hey dumbass,it's an old beef.Lot'sof mold on

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Message 22/69             23-Oct-02  @  01:41 AM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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so it's okay if i say it my real wigga- yo

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Message 23/69             23-Oct-02  @  05:02 AM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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JUST because someone is a racist does NOT mean they hate others necessarily, but just means they think their race is superior.

Black Panthers come to mind

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Message 24/69             23-Oct-02  @  05:21 AM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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I dunno. The reading Ive done on the panthers doesnt make them look racist or suprmacist really...only completely fed up with the way people were being treated in their area.

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Message 25/69             23-Oct-02  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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Influx, I meant to say I though JX's response was a little harsh.


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Message 26/69             23-Oct-02  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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I attended a panther meeting onceand believe
me they just put a spin on what they're
doing.Yes my response was harsh and that
was uncalled for.But it's all good
now.Needless to say racism and seperatism
are different things but the panthers are a hate
group through and through.Doesn't mean that
they don't do good things for their own
community but if we could all learn one thing,it
would be that we are all from the same gene
pool w/ genetic adaptations due to our
geographic regions.Really and truly Africa is
all of our original homeland except for cro
mags and they seem to have lost the
battle.Look we are all victims of imperialism
and colonialism.Reperations are the stupidist
idea i've ever heard in my life.I think the
biggest threat to western civilization is
facism.Nationalism is a bad thing and we
can't stop it unless we stop the divisions that
are forcefed upon us by the puppet
masters.Influx is a good guy and so am I .we
just get our wires crossed from time to time
and it was unfortunate thing.But you know
when 2 people really take a chance to try and
think things through it helps us all understand
each other better.I promise that I will try my
best to ignore any BS that comes up on DT as
it is a global community and not to dwell on
the past.I'm sorry to all of you guys and gals
for my overreaction and misunderstanding.I
do hope that Big D was just trying to figure out
what a term meant and not trying to assault
the culture of people that aren't as easily
stereotyped as others.Gosh the best thing is
that i'm sober now and that i'm much easier to
diffuse than before.

H-love and respect for all of ya

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Message 27/69             23-Oct-02  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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if only the government had any love they'd legalise the narcotic and outlaw the depressant

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Message 28/69             23-Oct-02  @  09:11 PM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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"but the panthers are a hate group through and through"

damn, really? thats so fuckin sad. Was it this way from the start? I totally thought that their origin was simply a reaction to their environment, and had nothing to do with hatred, only anger...

that fuckin sucks.

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Message 29/69             23-Oct-02  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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I think in the beginning it was all good w/ Huey
and all.But the new cats are just plain evil
propaganda pushers.They threatened my boy
for bringing me out and said they didn't want
any white people involved in what they were
doing.The first half of the meeting was all a
film about the slave torture devices and how
the time to get even was coming.So my ass
got up and gave a speech about how
stereotyping white people in general was a
farce using myself as an example.We did get
some cats to come over to our side of the
argument but after they threatened his family
and himself it just made the picture very clear
for me.It sucks when people hijack a good
thing and turn it into a misinformed
propaganda machine.I went to try to help their
cause w/ the intention of helping expose white
people to the positive aspects of what that
movement once meant.It's been changed
now.Just look at what happened to Malcolm X
after his pilgrimage to Mecca.F-Kahn set him
up and hijacked that.I've found that the best
peeps on the planet are Klanwatch and the
SPLC they are very much about racial healing
and cross cultural dialogue.But don't get me
wrong they support violence against
seperatist movements and are involved in
some bad stuff themselves.It would be nice if
there was an organization that didn't have to
become the same polar evil metamorphisis
from a good intention.I wish I could do more
because even i'm guilty of being brainwashed
by the violent tactics that some of these
chapters become.Hence some of my
misunderstandings.I'm beginning to realize
that intollerance in it's extreme is no good no
matter how pretty a picture of it you
paint.That's why I've learned a powerful
lesson in misunderstanding in the past 48
hrs. I hope to work on deprogramming some
of the baggage that was put in my head and
appreciate the understanding that has come
about from my experiences on DT.Hate is
Hate no matter which spin you put on it and
these are lessons we have to learn for
ourselves.Even if it hurt your soul sometimes.

H- i'm not perfect and never claimed to be(well
maybe during my drug induced psychosis) but
I have a much clearer picture of things now

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Message 30/69             23-Oct-02  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: wos a wigger?????


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wow man. I had no idea about the panthers. how disappointing

revenge eh? how fucking simplistic and barbaric.

Id love to meet a group that actually wants to move FORWARD some day. I would give them a hand for sure.

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