aaa most disgusting thing you've eaten? - The lounge forums
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Subject: most disgusting thing you've eaten?

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Sep-02  @  04:28 PM   -   most disgusting thing you've eaten?



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well, what is it?

don't think I've ever eaten anything really
disgusting, apart from that time I was in the
park when I was little and one of those flies
you get on poo flew straight into my mouth.

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Message 21/64             20-Sep-02  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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oh i've done that. my mum used to pour off the grease from cooked flesh to harden and chuck in the solid waste. well one time she put it in the container that had had orange juice in it andstuck it in the fridge to harden..

..but i met a guy who swears he was coming down off acid and was too lazy to get up and pissed in a glass.. fell asleep.. woke up thirsty..

..also says he picked up the wrong beer at a park.. you know how old ones sit out and attract bees that drown and swell

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Message 22/64             20-Sep-02  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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aw comeon, influx, EVERYone's tasted their piss. I'm not impressed  

I know there's a shit-eater among us. Don't be afraid, I'm really curious!


p.s.- not THAT curious, but thanks for the suggestion...

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Message 23/64             20-Sep-02  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

The French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

So eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is what kills you.

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Message 24/64             20-Sep-02  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?



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ok. qui mangera de la merde pour notre ami,
psylichon ?

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Message 25/64             20-Sep-02  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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i once eat some sheep's huevos, bit bland really.

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Message 26/64             20-Sep-02  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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well, i did eat out a girl when she was on her period once. fuck man, why am I telling you guys this shit?!?! Look, I figured I'd just sort of go around the edges or whatever, not actually get too into it y'know? It worked out...

Last week I dropped my tofu hotdog on the way to my car to go to work.,,um one of those hungover mornigns when you eat tofu dogs for breakfst right? Anyway, I dropped the shit on the street and it kinda rolled around a bit. i figured fuck it, 2 second rule. You just hafta brush it off the right way and you're cool, heh.

psy- please tell me what shit tastes like after you eat it, I'm curious ;-)

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Message 27/64             20-Sep-02  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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Well, closest I've ever had to that was trying a bite of Andouillettes. These are French pig-tripe sausages, and the tripe is not real well cleaned before it's put into the casings. I didn't like it very much. It smelled and tasted like pig digestive juices, and what could have been shit. I asked several Frenchmen on different occasions about this and they all said "It's supposed to taste like that!!!! It's supposed to make you think of...the taste of a woman's asshole when you lick it!!!" These guys were all dead serious about it. Some did not know each other, so I have to take this as verified from multiple sources. Ok, do I get a prize now?


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Message 28/64             20-Sep-02  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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you told me that one at mutantfest, and it's still fuggin gross! french studs are disgusting mutha's man...

But now you make me a sasauge that smells like a girl on her period and tastes like a tofu-dog rolled around in the street and dude, it's all mine!!! HA HA!!

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Message 29/64             20-Sep-02  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?



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pardon moi, butt do you have any gray

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Message 30/64             20-Sep-02  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: most disgusting thing you've eaten?


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heh. the piss in the face thing went like this:

When I was a little kid I was a bit, uh, portly...husky they called me...

out fishin with pops one day, had to take a whiz..held it for a LONG time...

finally went to the outhouse...barely able to contain...unzipped and dropped em, and just let fly

problem is my little fire hose was plastered to my little abdomen due to the tightness of my pants on my 'husky' body

happened to get stuck pointing STRAIGHT up, I look down to go for a grab for aim, I get blasted in the face with a hell of a shocker!

glad I grew into that 'husky'!

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