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Subject: an announcement - read

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Original Message                 Date: 04-Nov-02  @  11:09 PM   -   an announcement - read


Posts: 12353

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can we please stop responding to the baiting of trolls like GT & loopy - it's (as they want) creating negative energy on the site.

if you ignore them they'll go away - they just are a couple of young guys getting a kick out of taking the piss and watching the reaction.

ignore please.

if a decent conversation entails over various issues of this nature then fine... but dont respond to 'troll inserts' or troll started threads.

let's all chill and make some good vibes i suggest.

Every little helps, as ASDA would say, and this trolling and the vibe it's making is really wearing on me, I dunno about you.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 41/83             06-Nov-02  @  09:50 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read


Posts: 1502

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Yeah, I know what u mean.. at my daughter's old school (North London) the bottom of the heap were pakistanis and bangladeshis..

Interstingly she's now at a college where she is in a minority (in fact she's the only white brunette in the entire college).. and it really turned her head around.. she recenly told me that people were stupid to characterise others by race/religion because they were all just people..

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Message 42/83             06-Nov-02  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read


Posts: 7627

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arent there a lot of asians in the UK tho? Not "chinese" asians but indians, pakistanis, etc?

I sincerely had the impression that prejudice was almost nonexistant in england

perhaps Im just trippin?

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Message 43/83             06-Nov-02  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read

Steve Webster


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Influx, yer I'm chatting about indian asians. Its not so much that they suffer racisim from whites (although there are still some cavemen that enjoy this), its more the fact that they (and their culture) have been ignored by british society.

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Message 44/83             06-Nov-02  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read



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The Indian/Pakastani chicks in London are sooo friggin hot...imagine: tanned skinned, jet black hair and some have brigth blue eyes. (I'm talking "westernized" if you will)

IMO, they are the most beautiful women in the world

I'll have to go and rub one out now.

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Message 45/83             06-Nov-02  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


Posts: 6231

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when i was over there last summer there was a bit of rioting going on over asian racism.

it's not just humans either.

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Message 46/83             06-Nov-02  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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yup, BIG riots in bradford.. and of course there is racism in the UK.. no shortage here mate..

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Message 47/83             06-Nov-02  @  12:12 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read



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sorry GT?.. (sorry to pick it up again but:

". (I'm talking "westernized" if you will) "

what?.. cos some have blue eyes? (er)

dont get it?... besides, pakistanis and indians are caucasians. So are aborigines.

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Message 48/83             06-Nov-02  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


Posts: 28

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I know he drops back in w/ those chicks are
so hot.What about the people in
general?huh?You have alot to learn about
culture.But I guess like I said,lilly white rubs
off on a majority of whites.It's not a shocking
revalation or anything.

H- sort of like the slave owner stealing the
wives out to the barn for a lil in and out while
the husband works the field.IMO.

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Message 49/83             06-Nov-02  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


Posts: 7627

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"dont get it?... besides, pakistanis and indians are caucasians. So are aborigines. "


H...dude...again with the "white = stupid" thing. WHY?

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Message 50/83             06-Nov-02  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read



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yeah, i know about the rioting...kinda has BEEN going on innit (every country has their pigment issues)

well, prior to embassy guard time on audley street, i've never seen a far east girl with eyes like that (never after either). i met her on a train back from another bird's house and she was simply stunning. i've fancied them every since. i can't stand MOST american women, but that's another thread.

westernized (semblance of european fashion?)- imo, jeans, skirts, blouses vice the sari, which we tend to have more of here. remember, what may seem common for some, might not be for others.

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