aaa How do I create a good jungle kick? - Drums / rhythms / programming forums
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Subject: How do I create a good jungle kick?

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Original Message 1/17             16-Jan-01  @  12:59 PM   -   How do I create a good jungle kick?


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I want a tight, punchy, hard hitting kick. How do I get that sound??? I have tried compression, having a high pitch, and a few other methods, nothing is giving me that punch that I want. Artists for refrence? um, any jungle songs with really sparatic beats; I can only hope that you can imagine the sound I'm going for.

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Message 2/17             16-Jan-01  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?


Posts: 37

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Try thinking about the aspects of the kick that you want that make it punchy. Basically for a good jungle kick you want something with a punch and just a little bass since you don't want it muddling up your bassline. Do what I do is I take a trebly clicky kind of kick and low end bassy kick and combine them. Adjust the levels of each so you get the correct overall volume. If its still not punchy enough for you, add another kick and adjuct the levels. When you have a sound that sounds pretty decent to you, sample it, or export as a wav or whatever you have to do to get it into your wave editor. Touch up with eq's a little if you want, then compress that shit. I use 3:1. There you go! Thats the secret to making any kind of kick you could ever want, just learn what works. Use stomper definitely. I shape kicks with it to use in the process I described. Then you have total control. You could also sample some kicks you liked of a cd or vinyl and experiment with that. Hope this helped, didn't mean to write a book.

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Message 3/17             18-Jan-01  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?



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make it work with the bass

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Message 4/17             20-Jan-01  @  11:37 AM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?



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thanks stasis! that 3:1 ratio really helped out!

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Message 5/17             21-Jan-01  @  05:24 AM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?


Posts: 219

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compreesion and eq,find the frequency where the kick you want is punching and take some time to eq it,then compress to shit so the eq can flaten out a bit.

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Message 6/17             21-Jan-01  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?



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experiment with the compressor's attack times. that could really make a difference

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Message 7/17             21-Jan-01  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?



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Thats where I get kinda stuck. I'm not too good at compression, I have an internal compressor/limmiter, but i can mess with it for hours and not be able to tell a diffrence! One thing that ive found is that it is best to make a HUGE bass drum, that is killing the speakers and then compress it, not the other way around.

The parameters i have to edit are.....threshold, ratio, attack, release, and output.

I don't understand Threshold, ratio, attack, and release. Output .. I think i got the hang of.... ;) baby steps right...

So anyway in the perfect world I could eq this kit, compress it, and plug it straight into the pc and rock it out. But something tells me that i need to compress, eq and re-compress over and over untill i get the desired effect. is this true or could one go around with the limiter do it?

btw. whats the diffrence between a compressor and a limiter?

UGH! I feel so far behind.

thank you so much for your help.

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Message 8/17             14-Nov-02  @  11:24 PM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?


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you need some software my man.   i would mos def recommend sound forge (i know youve heard of it). it makes life sooooooo much easier. no joke. you can actually adjust the compression using an envelope graph! which basically means you can compress certain parts of the wave. add reverb, adjust the noise gate, and when you do the 3:1 ratio with your kick waves you can adjust the db levels to you liking. i love hardware. i love the hands on capability but for drum sounds your best bet, in my humble opinion, is to use yer pc and some editing software! youll see what i mean if you try it. youll never go back to a drum machine again.

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Message 9/17             15-Nov-02  @  02:35 AM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?


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unless of course you drop your edited wave in
an MPC.

H- then you'll keep coming back,over,and
over,and over.......

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Message 10/17             15-Nov-02  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: How do I create a good jungle kick?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I noticed your post about Jungle bass as well. So I think you are after something like an Electribe EM1! This thing is designed for Jungle/Drum n Bass, if not anything else. I've explained this little tool in a few posts already, so I've just included a few demo patterns in the above link. All the patterns (drums, pads, bass, and the sequencing, effects, etc, etc) were done entirely on the Korg EM1.



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