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Subject: Your most F'd up gig?

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Original Message 1/24             28-Oct-02  @  04:57 AM   -   Your most F'd up gig?


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For me It was my Orlando performance w/
Pigface when I played my grocery cart.I
warned the sound man that we should check
the levels and he said oh what could some
bastard w/ a grosery cart,a couple of
wrenches,a humbucker,and some maestro
pedals do.I drowned out pigface w/ flanging
percussion.Funny as hell.They paid me in free
Newkies(corporate{yuk}sponsor) and I got so
drunk I forgot my MS1202.Needless to say
someone from the club(The EDGE in Orlando
ya F'ers) took my shite.Anyway I played a
follow up gig in ATL,and they asked me to play
the rest of the tour w/ them but leave my
friend(Erich dumped a bag of wrenches and
metal rods on the bass player from TKK's
Boss pedal board{couldn't handle the
newkies}) behind.I should have done it but all
they offered was $20,gas money and free
beer(now that I think about it that's pretty good
for bangin on a grocery cart).So that'
s my strangest gig/gigs.What's your's.

H-Still got my pigface band pass though.No
it's not a filter it's a laminated card

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Message 2/24             28-Oct-02  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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When I had a piano recital in 4th grade, I like totally forgot to take the D.S. al coda.

I really should play out more often.


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Message 3/24             28-Oct-02  @  07:29 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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played bass in a speed metal band called Death Toll   and...dunno...4th or 5th gig...Reseda Country Club and my buddy takes me out back before the show and lights a big STRONG stuff

I was so high I practically forgot the first two songs, then I got in such a panic over that I nearly freaked out and ran off stage. My mouth was as dry as a mouth could EVER possibly be and the in singer wouldnt share his water!!!!!

then there was our FIRST was embarrassing

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Message 4/24             28-Oct-02  @  07:39 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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pot and speed metal? There was your first mistake!


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Message 5/24             28-Oct-02  @  10:09 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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whole band was on pills (downers) and no sleep the
nite before...this soccer club walks in the bar
and our fukd up singer promptly dives onto their
table from the stage! it was a pretty high stage
too...the rest of the band just argued our way
thru the set..we also played the same song TWICE
in a row once...but i generally kick ass on stage :-)

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Message 6/24             28-Oct-02  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?



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well wasnt really ed up but it also was ed up... only with bands you get those ups I find when the human x-factor gets involved... we did a gig in Germany and the guitarist was so busy chatting up some girl that he didnt get his shit together prior to going onstage... halfway into song number 3 or 4, he breaks a string and realises he's got no locking-nut key on him, so he has to go offstage, find the manager to go and open the changing room which was locked to get his locking-nut allen-key... we ended up playing most of the set without him.... and sadly we sounded better without him too - ha ha musta been devine providence cos we sacked him after that  

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Message 7/24             28-Oct-02  @  04:34 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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mine was my last gig (probably ever) in august this year. eeek! off to work now, hi-ho hi-ho ...

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Message 8/24             28-Oct-02  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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Search the forums for "Playback sucks" =)

Nuff said  

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Message 9/24             28-Oct-02  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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Mid 80s, playing with a prog metal band, little dive in eastern Oklahoma. We had to play "Sweet Home Alabama" five times in one night - due to some "truly heartfelt," and obnoxious drunken requests... Felt like the Blues Brothers playin' Rawhide....

I still can't just sit and appreciate "Sweet Home Alabama" properly...

Then there was the two nights I got seriously drunk and ended up in the pokey for gettin' naked on the stage... However, I really dunna remember too much of either of those nights.

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Message 10/24             28-Oct-02  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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can't say i've had any bad ones, although it might be noted that i've opened a show by hitting myself over the head with a biscuit tin, and that this wasn't bad.

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Message 11/24             28-Oct-02  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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well, there's the time around 85 the keyboard
player dumped a budweiser in his
memorymoog right before we was supposed
to play a 'showcase' night at the hotshit club in
champaign, ill. I have 2 or 3 other champaign

or this is a good one. also 80s. a guy out in
this small college town has this bar that
usually has local cover bands, but he likes
original music so he hires original groups he
wants to see every once in a while and eats
the cost. we need to bring our PA. "do we need
to bring our lighting rig, that's a bit extra?" nah,
we got some lights. right, we get there and
there's a couple bedside lamps duct taped
onto some pipes above the stage with those
yellow bug lights inserted for color. the crowd
hated it, they were an REO/BTO sorta crowd.
the owner dug it though. It was the night the
clocks changed back from daylight savings
time, so we ended up having to play an extra
hour. we coulda said phuckit, but it was either
walk out with the cash or have the 'manager'
screw around with collecting. plus pulling into
the hotel garage, we smashed the plywood
box on top of the van that held a bunch of the
gear and had to rig it back together in the
morning before continuing on.

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Message 12/24             28-Oct-02  @  09:08 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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I haven't had any disasters, just some annoyances - like seeing your soundman on the dance floor dancing right in front of the stage, when he should be back behind the mixer.

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Message 13/24             28-Oct-02  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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we were playing in Hirwaun, which is a godforsaken place at the heads of the valleys, in the rugby club, of course, it held about a 150 people. It was the end of the evening and we were playing an encore, i looked over to my left towards the bar and there was this massive fight going on with these rugby types in shirts and ties beating the shit out of each other - we were of course actually playing "Rawhide", i had to stop playing coz i nearly pissed myself laughing.

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Message 14/24             29-Oct-02  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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i sung ace of base "all that she wants" on stage at a friends hardcore/punk gig. that was well funny    

meriphew, thats a good one!

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Message 15/24             29-Oct-02  @  01:07 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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"pot and speed metal? There was your first mistake! "

and whys that? I used to get stoned all the time!

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Message 16/24             29-Oct-02  @  05:25 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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Yeah...but... are you experienced - or have you ever been experienced?

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Message 17/24             29-Oct-02  @  06:02 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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nope. always felt like a complete newbie

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Message 18/24             29-Oct-02  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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oh, he's bein' a hippie. "not necessarily stoned but beautiful."

ain't no life nowhere

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Message 19/24             29-Oct-02  @  06:37 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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I wasnt never no fuckin hippie thats for sure

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Message 20/24             31-Oct-02  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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My first gig with my old industrial/metal outfit.. The club was about 120 degrees, and the dumr box overheated. Drums were cutting in and out the whole gig at random.

Most horrible gig I've ever done. Probably the most horrible gig I've ever even seen  


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Message 21/24             26-Nov-02  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?



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I've got one... now!

We played a warehouse party on Saturday. I've had this incredibly painful slipped disk thing going since the 1st of November. Pinching my sciatic nerve, sending searing pain into my left leg and making me generaly miserable lately! So we get asked to do this local warehouse gig. I'm on 3 Vicatin and a coupl'a beers when we go on....

1st, i forgot to set my RM1x to sync to MIDI so when I hit play on the clock I and my partner are at different tempo's. It's obvious right off! so i drop out of the mix and put on the headphones. But i can't get in time, it must be the painkillers 'cause I'm normaly pretty on it when I'm playing out. I have to get my partner and have him come over and do it! SAD! So he's kinda carryin' the show. Then I'm fianly back in the mix and I can't unmute a channel on time to save my life! I honestly didn't think I was this incapcitated, i didn't "feel" high but the drugs were clearly having their way with my sense of rythm. It's not too bad but we're drifting out of time again as we go into the second track. I'm trying to sync back up... it won't go, I have to get him to straighten it out again! DAMN... then I hit the "change program" button late going into the 3rd track. So now where's he's at measure 2 I'm at measure 1...

the whole damned show went like this for just over an hour! GOD! I've never experienced anything like it!

There's like all kinds of muso's and DJ's lurking and peeping and I'm trainwrecking all over the damned place... the monitor is a Mackie (I hate these) and it's pointed at us but the sound is bouncing off the back wall and making me THINK I'm out of time! I"M NOT! It's was fine... no one else heard a drop... except one point when I foolishly tried to FIX it live in the mix and f*cked it up... Everyone said we were great... even picked up some possible future gigs down in the SF for the trouble.

Moral: Don't play if you're on prescription drugs, they are unpredictable!!!! I had no idea they were effecting me like that! (Illegal drugs are far more honest, if you're fcked up you know it!) and... Don't let sound guys insist you can just swivel a monitor away from the DJ's and get good monitoring! I know better, should have known better, etc... but was less than willing to argue about it!!!

moving forward...


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Message 22/24             27-Nov-02  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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sigh...just did one last friday too...only my 2nd live electronic gig...

i dint nearly have enough time to prepare/practice; i was still writing on the afternoon of the gig! so my levels were all fukd, and this one patch on my synth was WAY too loud...everytime it jumped up, id compensate by pulling it down and the other faders up was horrible! i just wanted to unplug and get drunk.


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Message 23/24             27-Nov-02  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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and upwards!

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Message 24/24             27-Nov-02  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: Your most F'd up gig?


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Damn, errata definately wins this one imho... or loses is the better word. sorry to hear that.

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