aaa record several midi instruments simultaneously in logic - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: record several midi instruments simultaneously in logic

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Original Message 1/1             23-Mar-18  @  03:18 PM   -   RE: record several midi instruments simultaneously in logic


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hi i use a 4 in 4 out midi interface in logic.
i have the drummer with roland  td 3 triggering logic drummer, roland gr50 guitar synth recording as audio and triggering alchemy and a jv 2080 at the same time via midi and a keyboard player triggering logic synths,
when i record all at the same time i have the guitar synth and the keyboard picking up the drums which i dont want
how can i stop that from happening?i know roland td3 can only send and receive on midi channel 10, roland gr50 sends on all channels.
have not been able to figure out how to block unwanted midi theory i guess i would have to set gr50 guitar synth and keyboard so they dont send out anything on midi channel 10.
thx for any help

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