aaa help me win a new computer! - Music techology forums
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Subject: help me win a new computer!

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Original Message 1/10             27-Dec-97  @  02:55 PM   -   Help me win a new computer!

DJ Phallus


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There's a contest here in Belgium, and the big
price is a computer. I have to send in links to
xmas-sites. I've already got about 50 pages filled
with links, but I really want that computer, to
use together with my new mpc... So has anybody got some good links for me?

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Message 2/10             28-Dec-97  @  11:57 AM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!


Posts: 15

Link?:  Link

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I thought you once said you never celebrated Christmas in Belgium?

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Message 3/10             28-Dec-97  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!

DJ Phallus


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No, we do celebrate christmas, it's just not as big a deal
as in America... We don't even have a tree this year. Not
because we don't like'em, but it's just not neccesary, and
this way we saved a life!

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Message 4/10             29-Dec-97  @  01:16 AM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!



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Well, saved a life.... I donno man.

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Message 5/10             29-Dec-97  @  01:36 PM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!


Posts: 15

Link?:  Link

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Just get a plastic tree... but we never had a tree either.

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Message 6/10             29-Dec-97  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!



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dunno about that...... but here's a few links we got together over the last 2 years..... there's some great sites in amongst this lot

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Message 7/10             10-Jan-98  @  08:49 AM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!

DJ Phallus


Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Yep, I've got the computer... Only problem is, my dad
wants to sell it (he's done most of the work...) But that
seems a little stupid to me, considering I will be
studying informatics next year... I'll NEED a computer!

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Message 8/10             12-Jan-98  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!



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legally, your father cant do that, if you are the recipient of the prize..... SUE HIM !!!....

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Message 9/10             13-Jan-98  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!

DJ Phallus


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Sure... And where will I live?????

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Message 10/10             14-Jan-98  @  02:21 PM   -   RE: help me win a new computer!



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well....... alright, bury him in the back-yard then.....ok...tell him if he lets you keep the pc, you'll get a great job, become a pc wizzkid, and have lots of money to look after him in his old age !

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