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Subject: Is it worth investing on digidesign and seqen

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Original Message 1/2             07-Apr-97  @  07:30 PM   -   Is it worth investing on digidesign and seqen



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Is it worth using hard disk recording and seqencers to record and then
master onto dat to find that your HD is full and cost is high ,
whils 8 track is still relatively cheap?.
What are the main guild lines on smpte and midi time codes anyway

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Message 2/2             08-Apr-97  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Is it worth investing on digidesign and seqen



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Hard disks now cost the same or less than removable
storage devices, such as the Jaz drive....
I have 6 Gb's of eide in my cost= (I#(J470....
I back up when necessary to ordinary dat,
via a S/PDIF card....after all,
for most dance tracks, there is very little audio....
All the audio parts will be short sample loops etc...
maybe a full vocal for RAP, R'n'B or Garage...
but these vocal parts can simply be archived to DAT via
S/PDIF...then, in a programme such as cubase,
or cakewalk, if you decide in the future to re-mix it,
simply reload the midifile, and paste in the
vocal, after copying it over from DAT...
this is a sensible and very cheap solution,
and utilises your standard DAT machine !.....

So by purchasing a n S/PDIF card, you get digital
transfer, as well as archiving, for less than the cost
of a 1 GB storage device...!!

I would urge strongly to hold off purchase descisions
until further into this year, as there will be many PC
multi-out cards released this year, after which,
pro-tools, whilst still a viable pro quality hardware,
will seem very overpriced....also, really and truthfully,
the term "Pro" quality is irrelevent,
may times, I have had home masters accepted
over "pro" studio versions by record companies....
it's about using the tools to get the best sound is NOT going to make a better dance track
...end of story !!

As far as smpte & midi time code is concerned,
when using the software recommended here, these units are
superfluous.....however, should you absolutely require
mtc, all of the softwares listed here read & send it
anyway, so no need for a unit to do it....

If you are using a hardware machine, here's a story....
There's a studio where we rehearse, and they have recently
fitted it out with 3 Fostex hard disk units....the other
the master unit mysteriously deleted a load of tracks,
and copied parts over to the other machine....
this fucked up the whole
there may be unreliablity with these units...remember, with units
such as the Fostex & Roland's, you are forced to prat about with piddling little LCD screens,
whereas with H/D on a PC, it's all on screen in glorious technicolour !!

As for tape based's nothing wrong with it...
all you need, is a cheap smpte to mtc unit such as J L Cooper, or XRI Systems...
simply stripe the tape, then sync it up to the sequencer...
it's a good system, but hard disk is faster, and more creative....
For dance music, it's the best option....

try reading into this site more,...all the info is here
if you look.!!

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