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Subject: back to basics

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Original Message 1/3             28-Sep-02  @  07:23 AM   -   back to basics


Posts: 2890

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john major and fucking edwina currie. hahaha.

sorry u.s. people, but you know, john major ran away from the circus to join a firm of accountants and ended up runnning the country telling us all about family values and edwina currie said eating eggs was going to give you salmonella. she was in charge of health. and they were having it away all the time, ewwww.

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Message 2/3             28-Sep-02  @  08:17 AM   -   RE: back to basics


Posts: 1502

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well, you know what they say....

'Never trust a single word a politician says'

family values?


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Message 3/3             28-Sep-02  @  12:40 PM   -   RE: back to basics



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well, hell, if that "prince" can get some...

older english sure have strange taste in birds..."let's see that hot hot, large racked blonde or that gaunt library worker? hmmm, tough decision, but as usual, I'm going for the intellect"

Blawwwww!! ;)

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