aaa "jazzanova" type rythems - Drums / rhythms / programming forums
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Subject: "jazzanova" type rythems

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Original Message 1/3             22-Apr-00  @  03:50 PM   -   jazzanova type rythems



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could someone give us some advice or recommend a book..that will help me with my drum programming.i love jazz,nu skool & old,afro beat,funky percussive house...all sorts.i just want to add some realisium to my drums, make them evolve...wicked perssusion ect."am i better of with sampler or a combination?any ideas or book ideas appreciated...ginger.

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Message 2/3             22-Apr-00  @  06:43 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 3872

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I'll offer what I can. If you can, a combination of gear is great to have for drums. With a sampler you can DL all kinds of snares, kicks, hats, etc. from the internet. There is a whole library here at Dancetech. I use my sampler, but I also have the option of making drums with my synths or using the preset kits in my synths. Variety is the spice when it comes to putting drum tracks together.

Groove quantising is a powerful and much used tool. But if you have experience as a drummer you can play your drum track from a keyboard or drum box and not necessarily want to quantise. I play drum tracks into my pc sequencer and then go in and tweak velocity on some of the notes to give the feel I want.

Also it is best to keep each drum on it's own track whenever possible so when it comes to compression and mixing, you have full control over the drums individually. That's what they do in recording studios. They mic each drum in a kit seperately.

It really comes down to listening to recordings and listening to what you've recorded and program until you like what you've done. Ears are everything in the end.

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Message 3/3             22-Apr-00  @  10:05 PM   -   RE:



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actually, the samples are prolly offline.. i aint checked it, but we're moving servers etc , so i wouldnt be surprised... still not long to go til the new one is up..

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