aaa Modulating your rythym set - Drums / rhythms / programming forums
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Subject: Modulating your rythym set

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/3             24-Jul-00  @  03:21 AM   -   Modulating your rythym set



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Some forums mentioning this, seems to be an impotant factor in trance and techno genres, is this true, if then how , what, where ......Taa

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Message 2/3             24-Jul-00  @  06:21 AM   -   RE: Modulating your rythym set


Posts: 424

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yes it is important,

why? because it stops repetative rythms from getting boring too quickly.

how? well erm, you could have a slow lfo modulate the filter slightly, or the attack.. you could map velocity to decay or release or both. a fun one is to map a tempo based lfo to quite an extreme pitch setting. say a 1 bar lfo.

where? you know the bits that aren't the kick, bass, lead, vox, or fx... well that's the riddim.

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Message 3/3             24-Jul-00  @  11:45 AM   -   RE: Modulating your rythym set



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Sigh, a riddim it is....

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