aaa i have a SEtup i need professional help - Drums / rhythms / programming forums
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Subject: i have a SEtup i need professional help

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Original Message 1/4             23-Mar-00  @  10:23 PM   -   i have a SEtup i need professional help



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i have a TR-707 , 8channel carvin mixer, AkaiS-1000HD(the one with the built in 40 meg hard drive etc..), Juno-60, and a MSQ-700 8 track sequencer, and a roland jx305(i only use it as a simple keyboard for the akai).. and then i have a few efx..( digital delay, analog delay, compressor, parametric EQ, 2 chorus, distortion pedal.. is this a go0d setup i tink it is but i dunno .. and if anyone is familiar with this equipment . could anyone help me with optimizing the use.. and also i need help on what sounds the best using these machines.. im starting to use it to make jungle and its sounds wayyyy cooler than other things ive done.. so drop me a line and reply :o p thanks.

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Message 2/4             24-Mar-00  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: i have a SEtup i need professional help


Posts: 81

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you have all that gear and you need to ask how to get the best out of it? did you buy it all at once or something? it does sound like a perfectly fine setup. go play dammit! or, wait for some more responses

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Message 3/4             25-Mar-00  @  02:37 PM   -   :oP



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na, i bought it all seperately i play with it everyday .. i just would like to hear some music made with this equipment to inspire me .. ya know? :oP anyways i did find out yesterday how to stack the OSC 6 times!!! yay for that it sounds soooo much phatter now ( the juno-60)

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Message 4/4             25-Mar-00  @  08:40 PM   -   RE: i have a SEtup i need professional help


Posts: 81

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hmm.... maybe get on the Analogue heaven mailing list & lurk for a while. a lot of links to tracks get posted up there. or even here. wrong forum though for thems. inspiration? that's something else... diffrn fer yer then me... although me i likes outside, wish i could haul a big table with all my gear outside & play outside in the woods... er..

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