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Subject: enhancing the bass track

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Original Message 1/5             26-Nov-02  @  06:29 PM   -   enhancing the bass track


Posts: 290

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hey all...

I'm fishing for ideas on what I can do to a single bass track (besides compression) to enhance/mangle it a bit in Wavelab... I try stuff, but they don't sound all that good and I'm kind of running out of ideas...

my slow PC doesn't support a lot of fx during the mixdown, so I'm messing with the bass track by itself offline....

any ideas welcome.... any novel fx chains that you guys may use, or strange things to do...

fishing, fishing....

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Message 2/5             26-Nov-02  @  07:23 PM     Edit: 26-Nov-02  |  07:25 PM   -   RE: enhancing the bass track

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Well the obvious one is going to be filtering. But other than that, it really depends on the type of bass that you are mangling. I find that bass guitars often sound quite nice with loads of flanger, followed by eq and compression to tighten it back up. If you are after a completely new bassline as a result of mangling, there are loads of things that you can do. Phats and Small often take the main riff of a track that they are remixing and pitch it down, eq it then compress it. And repeat this process up to ten times till they have achieved a bassline out of something as obscure as strings and the like.

Though personally, I never mangle my bass other than with a touch of eq or filter, and compression here and there. I like my tight, smooth basslines.  



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Message 3/5             27-Nov-02  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: enhancing the bass track


Posts: 6231

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hey, it's bass, it comes out of the boxes and makes things vibrate. if a textural or harmonic compliment (od, subtle dfx, extra osc, layered patch, mic'ed 'air?') isn't complementary, maybe it's already doing it's job?

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Message 4/5             27-Nov-02  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: enhancing the bass track


Posts: 5701

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well, for one dont forget that you can split the bass track frequency wise into a lower part which makes things shake and rattle, and a higher part which you can mangle for midrange presence. i like trying out different sorts of distorsion, flangers, phasers, even delay but only on bright sounds outside of the bass range. i recently heard a very interesting result where a guy took a bright bass sound, and added delay and flange only to the overtones, leaving the low end intact. sounded rather good to me...

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Message 5/5             27-Nov-02  @  04:04 PM   -   RE: enhancing the bass track


Posts: 290

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good advice all....thanks

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