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Subject: another short question about the awe32...

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Original Message 1/6             14-May-97  @  09:26 PM   -   another short question about the awe32...



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can you do anything sounding really(or at least,quite) professional
on the awe32?
is it best to buy addin parts/external effects/memory for it,
or is it better to start with a better base card?

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Message 2/6             15-May-97  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: another short question about the awe32...



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well.....this title..."Proffessional"'s a bit of a wierd one....see dance stuff, by definition is usually moulded by people using very cheap gear...for me, dance tracks done with lots of really expensive gear doesnt usually sound have to tailor the sound to the equiptment you you will notice at a club, that alot of chewns are ruff.....and some are very big, full and produced...but they all balance out....If the track has a groove, and a cool hook, then why not....The gear quality will not be so important...

You need first....strong definition for the drum sounds...mostly the kik & snare....once you have that, then add bass, and whatever over the long as the bass & kit is solid, then the "quality" of the other stuff overlaid on it is irrelevent, as long as it grooves & works,...

I mean....a few years ago, there was a bloddy aweful euro-dance track that got into the top 10 in several territories...there was a main vocal sample overlaid on the track....It was sampled at a very low could actually hear the alaising noise very easily....yet it was a hit...the fact that the vocal was crunchy, and ruff, didn't long as the drums & bass are ok....any interesting noises/hooks will work, as long as the foundations are building a house really....

I have done tracks i did with a cheap sampler,
1 keyboard & a drum box.....accepted by labels as product....whereas, when we presented the same track re-mixed in a massive "pro" 24 track automated harrison consoled studio, the track was rejected in favour of the home demo......the vocals were added with a cheap fostex 8 track synced to the sequencer.....only 3 audio tracks were used....1 main vocal, 1 for backing vocal....and 1 for a synth line from a synth that was mono-timbrel...

If you are using the awe32 to add vocals or limited audio to a track that is made with say a drum box, keyboard & sampler...then all mixed together on a mixer,.....there's no reason to suppose it won't be good enuff....but it depends on what you are trying to do....

You can't make a Tina Turner album with an awe32....but for dance....why not?!!....

If you mean can you use the awe32 as a synth, sampler, and for audio....will that quality be, it's possible....I know guys who do jungle with say SAW+, and a sample CD.....they just paste it all together, and record it direct to CD.......then release it through small labels...maybe 1000 pressings per time.......but that is dance start small, and if it moves, then someone will step in to take it further....
You need to specify what you are wanting to achieve....what flava of music,.....what other kit do you have to go with the awe32 if any?....

Sorry if that's vague, but there are so many variables...

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Message 3/6             17-May-97  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: another short question about the awe32...



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first of all.. thank you... i really appriciate the time
it took you to write me,haven't met many nice(and helpful)
ppl on net as you are...

regarding your question.. i haven't got nothing besides
the awe32 and a crappy keyboard connected to it,
this is not due to the lack of money(while,partly it is..
 ) - i simply don't know what to buy...

i understand i should now buy a sampler and a drum box,
can you explain to me some more on this things?

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Message 4/6             26-May-97  @  07:01 PM   -   yet another comment on the AWE 32



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I have an AWE 32 card installed in my machine too. I use it for remixing and dance trax creation.
I don't know the capabilities of your system so excuse me if I'm a little "General" about my info.
You don't have to go out and buy a sampler and drum module. If your system has the disk space and the processor speed you can do it all from there.
I do. You will probably want to get some outboard gear eventually. Start cheap and use your computer.
Your sound card has upgradeable RAM. I reccomend expanding to 16 meg on your card ( 8m stock ). This will allow your card to run wav. files smoother.
There are many freeware/shareware programs out there that will do as much if not more than any outboard pieces of gear. I use Hammerhead, Rubber duck, SAW, recycle, and Sound forge to do everything.
By "everything" I mean creation thru mix-down. The AWE card handles my needs perfectly. I haven't upgraded my RAM yet either ( still 8m ).
I hope this gives you some insight and new ideas. Email me if you have comments/questions.

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Message 5/6             27-May-97  @  10:12 AM   -   RE: another short question about the awe32...


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there you go.....I mean a track can come on the scene that everyone likes and it can be done on real cheap stuff.....

see, what moves people with music is something to do with the frequencies & rhythm...not the "professional" quality.....we as humans respond to these things whereas we will not respond to something done on the totally state of the art gear if it doesn't contain those things that we resonate with...comprendez ??

The awe 32 can be a bastard...but it can also be a decnt little sampler....if you look in my www samples page under sampling, there are some 909 & 808 kits to download in awe 32 SKB format.......

also as the man says...there are alot of stuff now for the pc that allow you with the correct method, to create tracks, such as software synths.....a good software for midi & hard disk such as |Cakewalk pro audio or even songstation with a couple of audio tracks will allow you to input sample loops and even single 909 kik drum beats.....then you can adde lines created with software's like the rubberduck, stomper, rebirth, etc etc....

your awe will provide the drums if you get the right samples.....and the software will input your loops.....listen to the little demos I knocked up using cakewalk & the DB50 XG in the DB50XG review page......there's alot you can into the site more...

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Message 6/6             29-May-97  @  11:53 AM   -   RE: another short question about the awe32...



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Check out this months Future Music if you can, there's a
reader-demo track on it called 'Spill' (I think) that
apparently done with just an SB-16 and FastTracker-2.
It's a very good demonstration of the possibilites with a
(simple) PC Soundcard. So with an AWE-32 you should get
even better results.


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