aaa cakewalk crashes recording audio? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: cakewalk crashes recording audio?

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/6             20-Mar-98  @  03:41 PM   -   cakewalk crashes recording audio?



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been recording with a Rap10 and cake5 and now
cake6. upgraded to a tx motherboard and 686p200
and everything works EXCEPT recording digital
-which is the main thing I want.

ps. learnt alot from your site and am considering
the event,tb,yamaha cards or the fostex 4 trk
instead of this hassle(has to be cheap).

But I have to get this going until then.

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Message 2/6             20-Mar-98  @  03:44 PM   -   cakewalk crashes recording audio?



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

been recording with a Rap10 and cake5 and now
cake6. upgraded to a tx motherboard and 686p200
and everything works EXCEPT recording digital
-which is the main thing I want.

ps. learnt alot from your site and am considering
the event,tb,yamaha cards or the fostex 4 trk
instead of this hassle(has to be cheap).

But I have to get this going until then.

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Message 3/6             20-Mar-98  @  03:45 PM   -   cakewalk crashes recording audio?



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

been recording with a Rap10 and cake5 and now
cake6. upgraded to a tx motherboard and 686p200
and everything works EXCEPT recording digital
-which is the main thing I want.

ps. learnt alot from your site and am considering
the event,tb,yamaha cards or the fostex 4 trk
instead of this hassle(has to be cheap).

But I have to get this going until then.

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Message 4/6             20-Mar-98  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: cakewalk crashes recording audio?



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

yes.... but what's the actual problem ?......some of the TX boards had a problem.... so if it's an old one, then maybe a bios updarte is in order..... also, maybe you need the latest active x5 from microsoft to run cake-6...... i dunno... you'll have to actually list the problem tho....

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Message 5/6             24-Mar-98  @  05:06 AM   -   RE: cakewalk crashes recording audio?


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File?:  No file


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Message 6/6             24-Mar-98  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: cakewalk crashes recording audio?



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

did the problem start when you upgraded to Cake6 or when you upgradded the m'board & chip ?

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