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Subject: My Polymorph Just Arrived

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Original Message 1/7             05-Mar-04  @  06:59 PM   -   My Polymorph Just Arrived

cydonia cell


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Hey all, I just took possesion of a Polymorph, which i have wanted for years... and I just wanted to share:

the polymorph manual is one of those german translated into japanese translated back to german and then transmitted via semiphore to an old guru in the gellapagos islands who transmitted it via psychic powers to a 4 year old living in Boca Raton who spelled it out using alpha-bits during satrday morning cartoons!

just in case you were interested.


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Message 2/7             05-Mar-04  @  09:20 PM   -   RE: My Polymorph Just Arrived


Posts: 2707

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So it's better than Roland's manuals then

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Message 3/7             05-Mar-04  @  10:52 PM   -   RE: My Polymorph Just Arrived

cydonia cell


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Message 4/7             06-Mar-04  @  07:07 PM   -   RE: My Polymorph Just Arrived

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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Message 5/7             08-Mar-04  @  08:11 AM   -   RE: My Polymorph Just Arrived


Posts: 2082

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hehe. what's it sound like?

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Message 6/7             08-Mar-04  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: My Polymorph Just Arrived


Posts: 2082

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rephrase : does the polymorph sound good?

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Message 7/7             08-Mar-04  @  06:06 PM   -   RE: My Polymorph Just Arrived

cydonia cell


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It sounds good... interesting bit o' kit really! fairly standard analog modelling, but they throw in a lot of digital waves as well... nice filters, but as far as I can tell you MUST use hi pass and low pass together... maybe I'm wrong, the manual's pretty worthless.

But it's got this awesome analog style sequencer that allows you to sweep between the 4 multi timbral parts like a microwave... (hence the name) makes pretty lovely wierdness! Never seen a VSTi that comes close! hehehe (well, maybe the crystal synth!)

it's unique... well worth the money


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