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Subject: air traffic controller children

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Original Message 1/9             04-Mar-10  @  12:19 AM   -   air traffic controller children


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you might have heard the story and soundbytes. a father took his son to work. he happens to be
an air traffic controller at JFK international airport in NYC and he happened to let his 8 year old
son instruct planes waiting for takeoff to takeoff. turns out that the next day he brought his
daughter, the twin sister, to work the following day and allowed her to do the same. now granted
he was there telling them what to say but 8 year olds were nonetheless instructing pilots of
planes from all over the world what to do many of whom don't speak english as a first language.

i've seen mixed views on this in the states. many people think it's cute and say ask why a father
shouldn't let his kids have this kind of experience and they state "nothing went wrong" but if
something had gone terribly wrong i believe those same people would have brought out their
torches and pitchforks and blamed the government for letting this happen. personally i think it
was a stupid thing this father did, showing a serious lack of judgement.

my question is what are other countries saying about this incident? i can imagine that other
countries are outraged and justifiably so. i'd love to hear though.

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Message 2/9             04-Mar-10  @  11:44 AM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


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Incident? what incident? I read google news daily and didnt see it, besisdes, we've enuff 'outrage' of our own, lol

tbh my question would be: how did the kids get admitted into the control room to start with?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/9             04-Mar-10  @  01:35 PM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


Posts: 294

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women in the control tower of an international airport ..... I'll get my pitchfork.

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Message 4/9             04-Mar-10  @  10:41 PM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


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what i heard is that family and friends are allowed into the control towers with the controllers. that
allowance has been suspended until further investigation.

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Message 5/9             04-Mar-10  @  10:46 PM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


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lol, hey Nasty, i'm watching that dispatches show "My Daughter Grew Another Head and Other True Life Stories"


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/9             04-Mar-10  @  10:50 PM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


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there you go k

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Message 7/9             05-Mar-10  @  10:15 AM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


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I suppose they were in reality simply allowed to talk on the mic... not actualy control traffic, but the news has to have it's frothing hysteria/fear factor doesn't it.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/9             05-Mar-10  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


Posts: 3872

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they were told what to say to the pilots by their father but what was the point of his doing that? many
parents think their kids are above it all but if anything would have gone wrong many people in the u.s.
would be talking demanding the kids be charged as adults in a court of law. even apart from all the
terrorist stuff whenever i take a flight i hope for moments here and there that we arrive safely and i
take it for granted that everyone involved in that is taking their job seriously. some passengers voiced
their opinions that they were upset when they heard about the kids. one guy said commercial
jetliners are not children's toys. and now the controller and his supervisor are relieved of duty at least
temporarily because they broke safety regulations. Now the guy's kids are asking daddy why he's not
going to work.

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Message 9/9             06-Mar-10  @  02:49 AM     Edit: 08-Mar-10  |  09:18 AM   -   RE: air traffic controller children


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