aaa recording a guitar into Logic - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: recording a guitar into Logic

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Original Message                 Date: 09-Dec-05  @  02:57 PM   -   recording a guitar into Logic


Posts: 1128

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guitar player due in at the weekend. Think the best way to record is to plug the guitar into a line in channel on my Mackie then get another jack and go from the direct output straight into my Mixmaster. Outta the Mixmaster via its spdif and into the digital input of my souncard. The best recording path?

How about compression while recording - should I go for around 3 db of Mixmaster compression or leave it off?

Would you eq it while recording or just cut 80 hz a bit?

Any guitar recording tips or tricks?

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Message 11/12             16-Dec-05  @  04:49 AM   -   RE: recording a guitar into Logic


Posts: 1675

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yep. except with acoustics, that's usually one of those piezo pickups which is ok if you wanna amplify it for a gig but recording you'll get a more real sound sticking the mic out in front. if you're borrowing/renting there's some other things to try besides a shure stage vocal mic.

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Message 12/12             18-Dec-05  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: recording a guitar into Logic


Posts: 12353

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i've got a bridge pickup in my acoustic which i had fitted. There's no way it shows the quality of the guitar even 10%. Mic's the way to go for sure, Mind you, those Takamines have a good system, they sound not bad, but still a mic' is way better


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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