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Subject: How to mix your POP...

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Original Message                 Date: 13-May-02  @  06:19 PM   -   How to mix your POP...


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First of all, forget that this tutorial is how to mix a pop record - Don't let that prejudice you!

This tutorial is actually VERY useful and covers a lot of good practices and it's something we can all learn from. Apart from Brett and Influx.


Let me know what you think...


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Message 11/27             13-May-02  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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yeah, i just read most of it. i think its good actually. maybe not for ppl with home setups, but for work in a commercial studio deffinitely. i can relate to a lot of his attitudes, if not exact techiques used. e.g. trying not to destroy a song, not to overdo things, not take everything apart the next day etc... oh, and also to preferably play the bounced 2-trk to the band so they cant jump at the faders  

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Message 12/27             14-May-02  @  08:47 AM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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damn man. I didnt mean to sound so negative. sorry bout that

the influx thing..I thought you were referring to the "pop" tag..that I might talk shit about that...

bottom line is, good mixing is good mixing no matter what style. Certain styles will have different requirements but the basics are definitely the same, no doubt

good lookin out on the ref!

you might want to check out articles/archives..TONS of info there, too.

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Message 13/27             14-May-02  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...



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I thought he meant that he wanted everyone to participate in this but us, because we are a little in people's face from time to time.

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Message 14/27             14-May-02  @  02:57 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...



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I went ahead and looked anyway, and thought it is a good article to get a newbie wet and give them some confidence about how to aproach the process.

influx, I think people do mix pop diferant then a song meant for massive system. Pop music has much more space in it for the vocals and individual instuments to shine through. We layer the tracks so deep and heavy in electronic except for the ambient breaksdowns and intros. We compress vocals much more to sit in the complex mix, where as most singers would be mad at the engineer for making them so flat on their radio ready single.

And zink, I may have some experience with lots of synths, but mixing is somthing I am just getting better at after 5 years of experimenting. The book "the mix engineer's handbook" by Bob Owsinski, and things I have read in mix mag, here, and just plain grasped form the experimentation, are a cumulative thing.

There are plenty of people here with quit a bit of mixing and desk time in actual profesional facilities. All of you please come forward!

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Message 15/27             14-May-02  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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i dunno about the singers/radio thing brett. lots of pop vocals are compressed to hell. backing vocal more than anything, but kate bush? squashed. and that was years ago. a friend used to be in a succesfull band (more recent) and we were talking producing 'fashion' the other day. one year you're recording and everyone had manleys then everywhere had distressors (empirical labs), sticking everything through them, squashing the vocal like crazy.

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Message 16/27             14-May-02  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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and some of the better electronic tracks I've heard are deceptively simple, the musicians showed the restraint to not toss a million things into the mix just because they could, not make it "layered so deep and heavy." it's really the same game, frequencies and proportions, it's just the source of those frequencies that's different.

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Message 17/27             14-May-02  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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Kate Bush needed a damn squashing!   Actually, I have to admit to owning all her albums.   Lovely.

I admire the more-is-less thing, too. I think fattening up your sounds so that even a minimal track still sounds full and rich would be a great skill for me to have.

Glad people found it somewhat informative. I'll check your ref links, influxxxx....

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Message 18/27             14-May-02  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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Minimal tracks are generally more punchy than trax that have a lot of layering. More room for stuff to have its own space... The more sound you throw at a track the harder it is to keep things distinct, and thereby punchy...

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Message 19/27             14-May-02  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...


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you don't think they stick the vocals and guitars up farther in a pop songs than they do the synths and drums?

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Message 20/27             14-May-02  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: How to mix your POP...



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no, I disagree with you. that's what I was born to do.  

I am trying to learn the restraint I admire so much in other people's music. check out

esp. snd (makesnd)


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